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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2021-03-27 17:03:01  

摘 要





Since 2003,The State Council issued the "18 document" "to promote the Sustained and healthy development of the real estate market notice",positioning the real estate industry as a pillar of the national economy,and clearly put forward that keep the real estate industry healthy develops.Real estate development usually refers to the process of construction and management of real estate.The rapid growth of the real estate industry has been more than a decade,real estate development investment has also become an important means of wealth growth.The real estate industry is related to the health of consumers,it has a long consumption cycle and huge investment funds;it's also close to Banks,so affected by the policy.So before investing in a real estate project,we should analyze the feasibility of the study to ensure the smooth development of the project.Feasibility studies are the first and most important step in engineering design and construction[1].Real estate feasibility study refers to that before the investment decision,roundly analysis of the project related to the market, resources, engineering, economic, social and other issues,thereby determine whether the project is technically feasible or not,is a scientific method for selecting multiple solutions.Project feasibility studies reduce the blindness of investment decisions,improve the economic performance of real estate enterprises and promote the rational use of urban land in order to make the real estate market healthy and perfect.

This paper is based on the feasibility study method and the national economic and regional economic development,forecasting the development of real estate industry.To contact the influence of government macro-control policies,make a Feasibility Study on Real Estate Development Projects of jindibenzuo.First of all,we investigate the development of the national real estate industry,combining the situation of wuhan real estate industry and regional macro-control policies,and then we get a detailed economic data;The second,we use market research to initial determination of the market position of the project and consumer demand.Then completing the overall design of real estate projects;Drawing up a project to carry out financial analysis and economic evaluation;The last making sure the real estate development project is feasible.

Key Words: Real estate development; Pillar industry; Feasibility study; Economic evaluation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目概况综述 1

1.1.1 项目名称 1

1.1.2项目地块位置及周边环境 1

1.1.3项目基本信息 2

1.2项目可行性研究报告的编制依据 2

1.3项目可行性研究报告范围 2

1.4可行性研究的目的及意义 3

1.5国内外现状分析 3

第2章 市场调查与预测 4

2.1项目市场研究及分析 4

2.1.1 全国房地产市场运行态势分析 4

2.1.2 武汉市房地产运行态势分析 10

2.1.3区域房地产运行态势分析 19

2.2 市场机会分析 22

2.2.1 武汉市人口结构特征 22

2.2.2 武汉市经济发展状况 22

2.3 区域竞争对手分析 23

2.4项目SWOT分析 26

2.4.1 优势(Strength) 26

2.4.2 劣势(Weakness) 26

2.4.3 机会(Opportunity) 27

2.4.4 威胁(Threat) 27

2.5项目定位分析 27

2.5.1 物业类型定位 27

2.5.2价格定位 27

2.5.3项目目标消费群体定位 29

第3章 项目规划设计策划 30

3.1 项目地块概述 30

3.2 总体规划设计 30

3.3项目建筑方案设计 32

3.3.1整体建筑风格设计 32

3.3.2初步户型设计 33

3.3.3室外环境风格设计 35

3.4公建与配套系统设计 36

3.4.1商业配套 36

3.4.2幼儿园 36

3.4.3智能设施 36

3.4.4道路设计 37

第4章 项目实施过程策划 38

4.1项目组织架构 38

4.1.1组织结构图 38

4.1.2企业主要部门职能 38

4.2项目管理目标分解 39

4.3项目管理工作内容分解(WBS) 39

4.4项目质量、进度、成本管理 40

4.4.1项目质量管理 40

4.4.2项目进度管理 40

4.4.3项目成本管理 41

第5章 项目投资及融资分析 42

5.1项目投资估算及开发成本费用分析 42

5.1.1项目总投资估算 42

5.1.2开发成本费用分析 45

5.2项目融资及资金使用计划 46

5.2.1资金筹措计划 46

5.2.2资金使用计划 46

5.2.3销售收入和营业税金及附加计算 48

第6章 项目财务分析及经济评价 50

6.1项目现金流量分析 50

6.1.1还款付息分析 50

6.1.2损益分析 50

6.1.3现金流量分析 51

6.1.4资金来源与运用分析 52

6.2财务分析 53

6.2.1财务评价指标计算 53

6.2.2参数分析及评价 55

6.3不确定性分析 56

6.3.1盈亏平衡分析 56

6.3.2敏感性分析 56

第7章 项目营销策划 58

7.1 项目总体销售策略 58

7.2 销售卖点设计分析 58

7.3 营销策略原则 59

7.4 项目营销策略及实施安排 59

第8章 结论及建议 61

8.1 结论 61

8.2 建议 62

参考文献 63

致谢 64

第1章 绪论

1.1 项目概况综述

1.1.1 项目名称








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