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 2022-05-10 20:22:54  


摘 要








关键词:PPP项目 补偿契约 过度自信 不可观察

Compensation Contract for PPP Project Based on Private Overconfidence


With the development of urbanization, the billions will be plowed into infrastructure in recent years, but just relying on the government's financial capital is unable to meet the investment demand of building the infrastructure. Therefore, a mode called PPP has been put forward, and has become a main way to meet the investment demand and reduce the financial stress. The PPP mode has been widely used in the world, but the operating revenue of PPP project limited to the quasi-public goods is so low in the future that it is difficult for the private sector to take back their huge initial investment. This means it’s important for government to give the private investor compensation properly, if the government wants PPP project successful.

It is difficult for the government to determine the compensation before the event. Too high compensation leads to increase social costs, which will reduce the overall welfare of society; too low compensation leads to do damage to private interest, which will make construction inefficient. As a result, a compensation mechanism after the event should be designed for the PPP project. Based on the decision-making dilemma of governmental compensation for the PPP project, a single period compensation contract is introduced for the private investor. In the meantime, the private overconfidence behavior is considered under the governmental compensation, and is described by the “Mean-Variance” in which the private overconfidence coefficient is introduced. Thus the private expected utility function related to the overconfidence preference is proposed. Accordingly, the private overconfidence investment strategy is given out and the effect on the governmental optimal compensation contract is studied by the method of Stackelberg game. And then under the circumstance that the private overconfidence can’t be observed, the design and selection of optimal compensation contract is discussed. This research contents include the following sections:

The first part is the first chapter. Base on the actual background of infrastructure investment, the government needs to adopt the PPP mode to broaden the financing channels, so that the investment demand of infrastructure building will de meet. In addition, the government must provide compensation to ensure the project go smoothly. The researches on the compensation for the PPP project and overconfidence behavior are arranged and summarized. This section also points out the deficiency of existing research, and gives the specific train of thought.

The second part is the second chapter. By sorting out basic concepts and characteristics of PPP projects, this section analyses the necessity of PPP project compensation from two angles of benefit and risk; compares the advantages and disadvantages of the PPP project compensation in before and after the two ways. By raising compensation contract and model representation, this section provides a basis for the next section.

The third part consists of the third chapter and the fourth chapter. The third chapter firstly combs the influence factors and characteristics of overconfidence behavior, and summarizes mathematical description of overconfidence behavior. Then, the private overconfidence coefficient is introduced and the private expected utility function related to the overconfidence preference is proposed. Last, overconfidence behavior can be divided into two circumstances—observed action and unobserved action. The private overconfidence investment strategy is given out and the effect on the governmental optimal compensation contract is studied by the method of Stackelberg game. The fourth chapter tests the results of the third chapter through the numerical analysis and gives the government more practical advice.

The fourth part is the fifth chapter. This section summarizes the research contents consisting of the whole dissertation. This part not only sums up the research conclusion which has obtained, but also points out some questions which must be studied in the future.

Keywords: PPP project; compensation contract; overconfidence behavior; unobserved action

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract III

图表目录 VII

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 PPP项目政府补偿研究 2

1.2.2 投资者过度自信行为研究 3

1.2.3 现有研究不足之处及发展趋势 5

1.3研究思路 5

第二章 PPP项目政府补偿的契约问题与模型表示 7

2.1 PPP项目的基本概念与特征 7

2.1.1 PPP项目的基本概念 7

2.1.2 PPP项目的基本特征 8

2.1.3 PPP项目的不完全契约性 9

2.2 PPP项目补偿的必要性及主要方式 10

2.2.1 PPP项目补偿的必要性 10

2.2.2 PPP项目补偿的主要方式 10

2.3 PPP项目补偿的契约问题与模型表示 12

2.3.1 PPP项目补偿的契约问题 12

2.3.2 PPP项目补偿的模型表示 12

第三章 基于私人过度自信的PPP项目最优补偿契约 14

3.1 PPP项目私人投资的过度自信行为及数学描述 14

3.1.1 PPP项目私人过度自信的影响因素 14

3.1.2 PPP项目私人过度自信的数学描述 15

3.2 PPP项目政府补偿下过度自信私人最优投资策略 15

3.2.1 私人投资决策模型 15

3.2.2 模型求解与分析 16

3.3 私人过度自信条件下PPP项目最优补偿契约 18

3.3.1 私人过度自信可观察情形 19

3.3.2 私人过度自信不可观察情形 21

第四章 私人过度自信影响PPP项目补偿的实例分析 24

4.1 PPP项目实例 24

4.2 数值分析 24

4.2.1 私人过度自信对其最优投资的影响 24

4.2.2 私人过度自信对最优补偿契约的影响 25


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