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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-03-18 21:11:18  


摘 要


关键词:P2P网贷平台 信用评价 骆驼评级法

The Research On P2P Network Lending Platform Credit Rating


P2P network lending platform has develop rapidly in recent years. However, because of low barriers to entry, the regulatory body is not clear and the industry regulatory standards are not uniform and other issues, P2P network lending platform always collapse and close, which results in the lack of stability and order of the platform. The credit rating for the lending platform will help the platform to improve the risk prevention awareness, enhance the platform regulatory transparency and promote the healthy and stability of the platform finally. In this paper, we analyze the current situation of the credit rating of the platform, and find that the current credit rating has three problem, that is rating data is lack of reality, the standards of rating system is different and the institution of credit rating is not authoritative. We refer to the camel rating system of commercial bank, build the credit assessment methods for P2P network lending platform from capital adequacy, asset quality, management, profitability, liquidity, which provide an idea for credit rating. Finally, this paper give some advice for how to perfect the credit rating.

Key words:P2P network lending platform; credit rating; camel rating system


第一章 绪论 2

1.1研究背景和意义 2

1.2国内研究现状 3

第二章 现代信用评价理论基础 5

2.1商业银行信用评价 5

2.1.1 5C评级法 5

2.1.2 LAPP评级法 5

2.1.3 骆驼评级法 6

2.2巴塞尔协议 6

第三章 P2P网贷平台信用风险分析 7

3.1 P2P网贷特点 7

3.2 P2P网贷借贷模式 8

3.2.1 线上模式 8

3.2.2 线下模式 9

3.2.3 线上与线下结合模式 9

3.3 P2P网贷平台信用风险 10

3.3.1 个人信用风险 10

3.3.2平台信用风险 11

第四章P2P网贷平台的信用评价 12

4.1网贷平台信用评级现状 12

4.1.1 网贷之家信用评级 12

4.1.2 融360信用评级 14

4.1.3中国社科院信用评级 16

4.2 网贷平台评级存在问题 17

第五章 网贷平台信用评价体系构建 18

5.1 信用评价指标选取原则 18

5.2 信用评价指标选取 19

5. 3信用评价指标权重赋予 20

第六章 完善P2P网贷平台信用评价建议 22

结论与展望 23

参考文献 24



表3-1不同P2P运营模式比较 12

表4-1网贷之家评级指标 15

表4-2 融360评级指标 17

表4-3社科院评级指标 18

表5-1骆驼评级法信用评价指标 21


图 1-1 2009-2015年P2P网贷市场交易规模 4

图 3-1 P2P网贷国内发展阶段 9

图 3-2 P2P网络借贷一般流程 10

图 4-1网贷之家一级指标权重 16

图 4-2融360一级指标权重 17

图 5-1骆驼评级法一级指标权重 22

第一章 绪论



自2005年英国成立首家P2P网贷Zopa以来,P2P网贷在世界各国飞速发展。P2P网贷在中国近几年得到了迅速地发展,根据知名的网贷评级公司网贷之家的数据显示,截止2015年年底,全国共有P2P公司3858家,新上线的P2P平台1795家,平台增长率达87%。但是,在平台和交易量快速增长的同时,P2P平台也面临着诸多风险,由于P2P网络借贷自身的特点和监管的缺位,P2P接连出现“跑路”“倒闭”事件。 在平台面临的诸多风险中,由借贷双方的信息不对称和借贷平台信息披露不充分而导致的信用风险尤为突出,合理的对P2P网贷平台进行信用评价显得尤为必要。


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