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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-01-26 12:48:26  


摘 要


关键词:小微企业 互联网金融 融资模式 P2P

Research on Internet Financing Model of Small and Micro Enterprises


With the rapid development of China's economy, small and micro enterprises have gradually occupied a large share of China's economic market and become an important part of China's economy.The continuous development of small and micro enterprises has led to an increase in the demand for funds. The difficulty of financing due to incomplete information disclosure and the strict review of loans by traditional financial institutions has become increasingly prominent.At the same time, the rapid development of Internet information technology and the emergence of the Internet financial model have provided new ideas for financing small and micro enterprises. The Internet financing model has alleviated the difficulties brought by the traditional financing model of small and micro enterprises.This paper sorts out the existing related literature, and roughly compiles the content of the financing model of small and micro enterprises, the risks arising from Internet financing and the existing risk prevention measures, and reviews the existing literature.The third part of the article mainly analyzes the four shortcomings of small and micro enterprises in the use of traditional financial media for financing, which is divided into two aspects: the enterprise itself and the traditional financing medium.Then it analyzes the Internet financing mode of small and micro enterprises. The Internet financing mode mainly includes P2P platform borrowing, crowd funding, and e-commerce small loans. The advantages of Internet financing mode are discussed from four aspects: cost and capital allocation efficiency.The fourth part of the article takes the P2P loan platform as the entry point, and analyzes the problems of the Internet financing model from the aspects of fund provider, capital demand side and channel. The main problems are the imperfect laws and regulations, the leakage of user information and the imperfect platform construction.The fifth part of the article summarizes the full text, and gives specific suggestions on the three aspects of the above-mentioned questions, and puts forward the prospect of constructing the Internet financing model.

Keywords: Small and Micro Enterprise; Internet Finance ; Financing Mode; P2P

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 研究内容和研究方法 2

1.4 创新点和不足 3

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 关于小微企业融资模式的研究 4

2.2 关于小微企业互联网融资风险的研究 5

2.3 关于如何去防范小微企业融资风险的研究 5

2.4 文献评述 6

2.4.1 国外文献评论 6

2.4.2 国内文献评论 7

第三章 互联网金融下小微企业融资模式分析 8

3.1 小微企业传统融资存在的问题 8

3.1.1 内源性融资不足 8

3.1.2 过度依赖负债经营 8

3.1.3 外源融资渠道狭窄 9

3.1.4 外源融资难度大 9

3.2 小微企业的互联网融资模式 10

3.2.1 P2P网贷 10

3.2.2 众筹 11

3.2.3 网络小额贷款 12

3.3 互联网金融下小微企业融资模式的优势 13

3.3.1 降低了融资成本 13

3.3.2 降低互联网金融信贷风险 13

3.3.3 缓解信息不对称现象 13

3.3.4 提高资金配置效率 14

第四章 小微企业互联网融资模式存在的问题 15

4.1 资金提供方身份模糊带来的风险 15

4.2 资金需求方信息泄露带来的风险 16

4.3 融资渠道不符合规范带来的风险 17

第五章 小微企业互联网融资模式的结论与对策 19

5.1 结论 19

5.1.1 小微企业传统融资模式的问题 19

5.1.2 小微企业互联网融资模式的优势 19

5.1.3 小微企业互联网融资模式的不足 19

5.1.4 小微企业互联网融资模式的设想 20

5.2 对策 20

5.2.1 完善法律法规建设,加快构建征信体系 20

5.2.2 加强信息安全教育,开展平台自查自纠 21

5.2.3 拓宽整合融资渠道,加强融资平台建设 22

5.3 基于互联网金融的小微企业融资模式构建的展望 23

5.3.1 互联网金融下小微企业主要融资模式选择 23

5.3.2 互联网金融下小微企业融资业务流程 24

参考文献 26

致谢 28

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景



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