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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-01-19 21:24:56  


摘 要


关键词:消费金融 金融科技 网络白条

An Analysis of the Development Trend of China's Consumer Finance——Taking the Network White Strip as an Example


Along with the rapid development of Chinese consumer market, the rapid rise of financial technology, and the strong support of national policies, people's demand for credit consumption has gradually increased, and consumer finance has achieved rapid development. Based on the above background, this paper firstly synthesizes the definitions of consumer finance by various scholars. Based on the exploration of the current situation of Chinese consumer finance, it analyzes the existing risks of Chinese consumer finance based on the three main bodies of financial institutions, consumers and regulatory authorities. Then SWOT analysis is used to analyze the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the development of "network white bars", and put forward constructive policy recommendations from the perspectives of politics, economy, technology and society, politically, we should mainly improve relevant laws and regulations, set up different thresholds for different financial companies; In economic terms, we should broaden financing channels and enrich consumer financial products and consumer credit models. Technically, we need to make the most of Big Data to mine precipitation information and prevent cyber crime.; society should inclusive financial knowledge and change consumer perceptions. Finally, through the above analysis, it is concluded that the future development of Chinese consumer finance will be more scene-oriented, especially the application of mobile Internet technology in the field of consumer finance. The universality and coverage of consumer finance will be strengthened, and the participants will be more enriched. The combination of online and offline scenes also more specifically divides the market and becomes more legal and compliant with the improvement of laws and regulations.

Keywords: Consumer finance, Financial technology, Network white strip


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 1

第一章 绪论 3

1.1研究背景 3

1.2研究主题与内容 3

1.3研究意义 4

1.4研究方法 4

第二章 理论基础与研究综述 5

2.1消费金融的概念 5

2.2消费金融的相关理论研究 6

2.2.1消费金融的内涵 6

2.2.2消费金融的特性 6

第三章 我国消费金融的发展现状与趋势 8

3.1我国消费金融的发展现状 8

3.1.1消费金融的成长历程 8

3.1.2我国消费金融参与主体对比 10

3.2我国消费金融发展存在的问题 11

3.2.1消费金融行业监管不力 11

3.2.2发展落后的个人征信体系 11

3.2.3结构单一的参与主体 12

3.2.4基础薄弱的客户群体 12

3.3我国消费金融发展趋势 13

第四章 我国消费金融的管理趋势分析—基于“网络白条”的案例分析 16

4.1 “网络白条”发展史 16

4.2案例介绍 17

4.3网购打白条现象的SWOT分析 18

4.3.1优势分析 18

4.3.2劣势分析 19

4.3.3机遇分析 19

4.3.4挑战分析 20

4.4消费金融的管理趋势分析 20

4.4.1消费者主观方面 20

4.4.2金融机构方面 21

4.4.3金融监管方面 21

第五章 结论与建议 23

5.1 结论 23

5.1.1消费金融场景正在趋向多样化 23

5.1.2市场细分化与垂直化得到重视 23

5.1.3普适性和覆盖性得到加强 23

5.1.4趋于合法合规化发展 24

5.2改善消费金融发展趋势的建议 24

5.2.1政治方面 24

5.2.2技术方面 25

5.2.3社会方面 25

5.2.4经济方面 25

5.3研究展望 26

参考文献 28

致谢 31

第一章 绪论



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