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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2022-01-04 20:59:45  


摘 要




Study on the influence mechanism and efficiency of fintech innovation on payment and settlement


Fintech, as a new concept and a collection of new technologies, is having an impact on our lives, especially in the field of payment and settlement, which is already developed. Under which, the continuous innovation of financial technology still within recent years continuing impact on the payment and settlement system, the structure consists of the central bank and commercial banks on both sides had become now has the addition of the third party payment, content also shows the characteristics of diversified in form, from offline, such as cash now completed the online no difference mode of payment, even with the brush face pay more advanced way, etc. The penetration of fintech into payment and settlement is comprehensive.

This paper summarizes the financial technology represented by third-party payment and electronic payment, as well as the development process of payment and settlement system, in order to analyze the influence mechanism and effect of financial technology on traditional commercial Banks. Taking jingdong finance as a case study, this paper analyzes the application of electronic payment and block chain in payment and settlement scenarios and the risk factors that need to be faced and solved, and finally summarizes and predicts the development direction and trend of fintech in the future. My conclusion of this paper is: the contribution of fintech to payment and settlement is huge, which greatly improves the transaction efficiency and security, and also promotes the upgrading of the industry. However, more risk prevention is still needed in the future.

Key Words:Fintech;Commercial Bank;Payment And Settlement;E-Pay;Blockchain;Risks


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景与研究意义 1

1.2主要研究内容与研究方法 1

1.2.1文献研究法与系统分析法 1

1.2.2案例分析法 2

1.2.3归纳总结推演法 2

1.3创新之处 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1金融科技的概念 3

2.2支付结算体系的发展综述 4

2.3 金融科技对支付结算影响综述 4

第三章 我国银行支付系统和第三方支付的发展现状 6

3.1我国支付结算体系的发展历程 6

3.2 我国银行业与第三方支付企业合作情况总结 7

第四章 金融科技对支付结算的影响机制与效应 8

4.1影响机制 8

4.1.1金融科技的革新挤压了传统银行业的业务 8

4.1.2支付服务的组织性创新 9

4.1.3安全保障的创新 9

4.1.4增值服务的创新 9

4.1.5支付系统的创新 9

4.2影响效应 10

4.2.1移动电子支付对于传统银行票据和银行卡支付的影响 10

4.2.2区块链技术对于传统商业银行的影响 12

第五章 金融科技运用于支付结算案例分析 15

5.1战略机遇 15

5.2竞争优势 16

5.3困难与挑战 17

第六章 结论与建议 18

6.1结论 18

6.2政策建议 18

6.3研究展望 19

参考文献 20

致谢 22


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