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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-22 21:50:03  

摘 要





First, this work analyzes the impact of exogenous policy shocks on regional carbon spot prices through DID model. The results of the research show that the implement of carbon forward has a significant impact on the carbon spot market. There was a large and sharp decline. However, combined with the image, the carbon spot prices in the pilot regions have increased in the long run. Then, with the help of ADF test, Johanson cointegration test, ECM model, using Hubei and Shanghai carbon spot and forward closing price data to study the price discovery between carbon spot price and forward price, thus summarizing and analyzing the price discovery and hedging functions of the carbon forward market. Finally, Granger causality test and GS model test are used to further test the price discovery between carbon spot price and forward price by the ECM model. At the same time, Impulse response analysis is also used to further analyze the dynamic characteristics between the spot market of Shanghai carbon quota and the forward market.

The results of the research show that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between Hubei and Shanghai carbon forward prices and spot prices. Under different hedging models, the standard deviation of the portfolio return has been reduced to a certain extent, and the hedging portfolio under the ECM model has the best effect of reducing the standard deviation of the return. In the Hubei carbon market, the carbon forward price guides the price of carbon spot; in the Shanghai carbon market, the carbon spot price is in a leading position in the price discovery process. At the same time, Granger causality test once again proved that the Shanghai carbon spot market played a one-way leading role in price discovery, and the influence of Shanghai carbon spot price reached 70%. The impulse response function also proves this point, and gives the dynamic reaction of spot price and forward price in each period when it is impacted by standard new interest.

Key Words:carbon forward;DID;ECM;GS model;impulse response


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究方法与研究思路 1

1.3 国内外研究动态 3

1.4 主要内容与创新点 4

第2章 我国碳期现货市场的发展现状 5

2.1 碳现货市场的发展现状 5

2.2 碳配额远期市场的发展现状 7

2.3 碳期货市场发展展望 8

第3章 碳配额远期市场政策效果评估 9

3.1 碳配额现货价格影响因素分析 9

3.2 双重差分模型 10

3.2.1双重差分模型介绍 10

3.2.2数据说明与数据来源 10

3.2.3数据预处理与描述性统计 10

3.3 模型的建立 11

第4章 价格发现和套期保值功能的实证分析 14

4.1 数据选择与处理 14

4.2 ADF检验 15

4.3 Johanson协整检验 16

4.4误差修正模型 17

4.5 套期保值功能的实证检验 18

4.5.1 套期保值模型 18

4.5.2 套期保值结果分析 19

4.6价格发现功能的实证检验 19

4.6.1 Granger因果检验 19

4.6.2 GS模型检验 20

4.6.3 脉冲响应分析 21

第5章 结论、建议与展望 22

5.1研究结论 22

5.2政策建议 23

5.3研究展望 23



第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究方法与研究思路


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