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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-20 19:16:03  

摘 要



关键词:商业银行 ;绿色金融 ;盈利性


Since the Reform and Opening-up begins, there is much progress in Chinese economic. However, the industries which giving the rapid development are the high energy consumption industry and highly pollution industry. I think under such circumstances, we can no longer follow the old path of high energy consumption and pollution, and then pollution first. Therefore, there is an increasing attention in green finance in our country. In China, the main financial institution is still a bank, so the development of green finance requires not only government support, but also the cooperation of commercial banks. A commercial bank is a financial institution that can guide the flow of funds and a reservoir of funds. Therefore, the article mainly studies commercial banks. Focusing on them and their green finance business. But the purpose of commercial banks is obtaining profits, the issue of green finance development regarding the profitability of commercial banks is the focus of this study.

This article first explains and introduces the concept, basic business and theory of green finance, and then analyzes the current state and importance of green finance development by commercial banks, perform empirical analysis of financial data of 10 commercial banks in China from 2014 to 2018, and through intuitive data, get the impact of green finance. Finally, according to China ’s first bank that joined the Equator Principles-Industrial Bank, a case analysis was conducted to analyze its green finance development process, representative business and its role in its own development. To draw conclusions based on the above empirical and case analysis.

Key Words:Commercial Bank ; Green Finance ; Profitability


第 1 章 绪论 5

1.1 选题背景及意义 5

1.2 国内外文献综述 6

1.3 研究方法与思路 6

第 2 章绿色金融概念及相关理论介绍 8

2.1 绿色金融概念 8

2.1.1 绿色金融定义 8

2.1.2 绿色金融工具 8

2.2 绿色金融基础理论 10

2.2.1 可持续发展理论 10

2.2.2 企业社会责任理论 11

2.2.3 产权理论 11

2.2.4 赤道原则 11

第 3 章 我国商业银行绿色金融业务介绍及发展现状 13

3.1 我国商业银行绿色金融业务介绍及发展现状 13

3.1.1业务介绍 13

3.1.2发展现状 14

3.2 商业银行发展绿色金融的重要性和必要性 15

3.2.1重要性 15

3.2.2必要性 15

第 4 章 绿色金融对商业银行盈利的实证分析 17

4.1指标选取及数据来源 17

4.1.1 变量选取 17

4.1.2 数据来源 17

4.2 实证模型的构建 17

4.2.1 变量设计 17

4.2.2 模型选择及检验 19

4.2.3 实证分析过程 20

4.3 回归结果分析 23

第 5 章 以兴业银行为例进行案例分析 25

5.1 兴业银行绿色金融发展简介 25

5.1.1 兴业银行绿色金融业务 25

5.1.2 兴业银行绿色金融产品 26

5.2 绿色金融业务对兴业银行自身发展影响分析 26

5.2.1 对资产质量的影响 26

5.2.2 对收入结构的影响 28

5.2.3 对资本结构的影响 29

第 6 章 结论 31

参考文献 32

附录 33

致谢 36

第 1 章 绪论




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