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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-10-08 18:52:00  

摘 要

商业银行的理财产品是一种银行基本业务,占有很大市场比例的投资理财产品,也是全部商业银行业务的基础支撑 。银行发行理财产品在发达国家已经有了很长的历史,可以说是伴随了整个商业银行的发展过程。随着居民生活质量的不断提高,人人们想要得到更多的利益,为了能满足人们的需求,获得更多的消费者群体,商业银行要加强理财产品创新。现在以第三方的支付平台、P2P网络贷款、大众筹集资金等为代表的互联网金融正以超乎人们想象的速度融入人们的生活,向传统的金融理财行业提出了挑战。创新产品正在成为目前商业银行的首要任务。




Commercial bank's financial products are basic banking business , accounting for a lot of market share in the investment banking model, which is a fundamental part of the anchor for all commercial bank's business. Financial products issued by banks have a long history in developed countries, and we can say that the whole process is accompanied by the development of commercial banks. With the increasing levels of income, people's access to the wealth of additional investment demand has also been diversified, in order to meet people's needs, and get more consumers, so commercial banks are continue to strengthen the financial product innovation. While the third-party payment platform, P2P network lending, public financing as the representative of the Internet than peoples’thought get into people's lives.It presents a challenge to traditional financial planning industry,and product innovation is becoming the primary task of commercial banks.

This paper describes the background environment of Internet banking’s financial products, followed by the analysis of the 2015 financial report indicated that the reason of financial product innovation in this financial environment. we analyst the economic’s situation to describe the purpose and significance of this paper. The paper includes the past few year’s relevant literature around the world. It describes the basic definition of financial products, and the currently development of financial products. Next t,we analyst the detailed financial product innovation model, including the reasons and the problems exposed in the innovation process.

Key words : Commercial Banks; Financial Products; Innovation


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

1.绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1


1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

2.我国商业银行理财产品的基本状况 4

2.1银行理财产品概述 4

2.2银行理财产品的发展现状 4

2.3银行理财产品的发展困局 6


3.银行理财产品的创新分析 8

3.1 今年以来银行理财产品创新实践 8

3.2 金融产品创新的动因 8

3.3 银行理财产品创新中存在的问题 9

4 .人民币理财产品创新原则和方法 11

4.1人民币理财产品创新原则 11

4.2人民币理财产品创新方法 12

5.总结与建议 14

参考文献 16

致谢 17

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景

2013年阿里巴巴旗下的支付宝和天弘基金共同推出了余额宝业务,作为一个突破性的余额增值服务,不到半年时间筹集的资金额就突破了1000亿元。而从相关统计数据来看,2014年1月人民币储蓄存款则减少了9402亿元,同期增加额下降了 2050亿元。短短一年时间内,以P2P借贷、第三方支付以及大众筹资等为代表的的金融产品迅速发展,不仅推翻了人们对传统金融的认知,给传统金融增添了新的生命力,更给银行理财产品带来了巨大的冲击。

数据显示 ,我国银行的理财产品金额 23.5万亿元,较去年增加8.48万亿元, 同比增长了56.46%。个人理财业务全年共募集101.49万亿元,占比为64.07%,而期末的余额则为11.64万亿元,占理财产品余额的49.53%。随着投资者思想的转变,人们不再仅仅满足于传统保本型理财产品。2015年非保本浮动收益类产品金额达到了17.43万亿元,占比达74.17%,比去年上涨了 7个百分点。与之形成强烈对比的是,保本浮动收益类产品金额为3.64万亿元,比上一年减少了6.2个百分点。

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