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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2021-03-25 22:07:27  

摘 要



关键词:P2P网络借贷 运营模式 风险管理


P2P online lending is a new financial service mode of small private lending relying on the network.The flexible, simple procedure of which provides new financing channels and financing convenience for individual It is a useful complement to the existing banking system.Since the first P2P online lending platform ,Zopa,established in 2005,this model was touted in the world.With the development of the Internet finance in our country, the first P2P online lending platform in China,PaiPaiDai appeared in 2007. While P2P lending based on the Internet is spread to China, the outbreak of the P2P lending industry has taken place since the second half of 2011.However ,in the circumstances of the lack of supervision and poor credit, some P2P firms are frauds and some of them overlook the risk of the lending. That's why since the second half of 2013, a lot of P2P firms bankrupted because of bank run. So the research of P2P lending is imminent.

Based on studying the characteristics and current develop situation of P2P lending ,this paper classifies the operating pattern of P2P lending into three categories according to the transaction promotion mode , business operation mode and guarantee mode. Then this paper selects three representative companies ,PaiPaiDai, YiXin, LuJinSuo, to explore the advantages and disadvantages of different operating pattern by comparing and analyzing their platform risk, popularity and volume. Besides, according to the classification of operating pattern, the common risks and characteristic risks of different models are analyzed. Finally this paper attempts to give some advice on the optimal pattern selection and risk control by using the game model, combined model analysis

Key words: Online P2P lending ;operating pattern ;risk control


1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和意义 1

1.2 研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

2 P2P网贷平台的理论基础 2

2.1 P2P网贷的定义 2

2.2 P2P网络借贷的特征 3

2.3 P2P网贷的发展现状 4

2.3.1市场容量 4

2.3.2行业规模 4

2.3.3地域分布 5

2.3.4参与者结构 6

2.3.5收益率及期限 6

3 我国P2P网贷平台的运营模式 8

3.1 运营模式分类 8

3.1.1 按交易促成方式分类:纯平台和债权转让 8

3.1.2 按业务运作方式分类:纯线上、线上线下结合和纯线下 8

3.1.3 按担保方式分类 9

3.2 典型运营模式实例分析 9

3.2.1 拍拍贷—纯平台 纯线上 无担保 10

3.2.2 宜信—债权转让 线下 风险准备金 11

3.2.3陆金所—纯平台 线上线下结合 第三方担保 12

3.3 典型运营模式比较分析 13

4 我国P2P网贷平台的风险 15

4.1 各个平台的共性风险 15

4.1.1 信用风险 15

4.1.2 流动性风险 16

4.1.3 操作风险 16

4.1.4 其他风险 16

4.2 不同运营模式平台的特定风险 17

4.2.1 纯平台和债权转让 17

4.2.2 纯线上和线下 17

4.2.3 无担保和有担保 18

5 P2P网贷运营模式选择与风险防控建议 18

5.1 运营模式选择建议 18

5.1.1 基于问题平台模式分析 18

5.1.2 基于博弈模型分析 19

5.1.3基于组合模型分析 20

5.1.4 模式选择建议 21

5.2 风险防控建议 22

5.2.1 国家层面 22

5.2.2 行业层面 23

5.2.3 平台层面 23

结束语 23

参考文献 25

致谢 26

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义

1983年,世界上第一个乡村银行-格莱珉银行由穆罕默德.尤努斯(Muhammad Yunus)在孟加拉创立,这是一个专门向农村贫困人口发放小额贷款来帮助没有抵押能力的穷人脱贫致富的机构。这种小额贷款模式在之后的20年内帮助了300多万名人成功脱贫,2006年诺贝尔和平奖也因此授予了尤努斯。这是全球第一个成功创办的小额贷款机构,随后全世界100多个国家和地区引进并推广这种模式。

然而,小额贷款机构由于资金来源不稳定,运营成本高等问题而远远无法满足庞大的低收入者和中小企业的融资需求。在巨大的小额贷款需求和互联网金融不断创新发展的联合推动下,一种新型的借贷模式一P2P(peer to peer)网络借贷平台应运而生,即个人和个人之间以网贷平台为中介达成借贷关系。[1]P2P网贷平台既增加了小额贷款的提供渠道和方式,缓解了小微企业和个人资金借贷难的问题,又具有便捷高效,低门槛,无地域限制等独特优势。自2005年全球首家P2P网贷平台Zopa在英国成立后便迅速在全球的传统金融市场外发展起来。

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