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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 金融学 > 正文


 2020-07-05 17:26:19  

摘 要


关键词:保险认知 保险购买 认知偏差 logistic分析 主成份因子分析

An Analysis of Cognitive Biases in Commercial Insurance Purchase in Nanjing

——Based on principal component analysis and binomial logistic regression


In order to accelerate the pace of China's insurance development and promote the reform and innovation of the insurance industry, a questionnaire survey on the purchase of commercial insurance for residents in Nanjing was designed to understand the factors affecting Nanjing residents’ commercial insurance purchase. Based on the 136,320 data obtained from questionnaires issued to more than 900 residents in each district of Nanjing in 2017, an index system for the influencing factors was constructed. The principal component logistic regression model was used to quantitatively analyze the obtained data.The results show that: (1) The household burden status of residents are the most important factors affecting the perception of commercial insurance. Advocating the public to pay attention to assessing their own burdens helps to increase public awareness of risk and increase Purchase of commercial insurance. (2) The purchasing power of residents has an important influence on the purchase of commercial insurance. Efforts should be made to develop the economy, increase the income level of residents. This will enhance the buying power of residents and boost the demand for commercial insurance. (3) Residents' perception of insurance is a key factor affecting the perception of commercial insurance purchases by residents in Nanjing. Strengthening insurance education for the public can help to significantly improve commercial insurance purchases. (4) Gender has little effect on the cognitive bias of commercial insurance purchases, and there is no significant difference in the insurance demand caused by gender differences.

Key words: insurance recognition; insurance purchase; cognitive bias; logistics analysis; principal component analysis

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 2

1.3论文研究框架 3

1.4主要创新点 3

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1商业保险市场发展历程 5

2.2商业保险购买现状及特征研究 6

2.3商业保险认知偏差的研究现状 6

第三章 商业保险市场影响因素及形成机制研究 8

3.1我国商业保险业存在的问题 8

3.2商业保险购买的影响因素 10

3.3商业保险业认知偏差因素的形成机制 10

3.4本章小结 11

第四章 商业保险购买认知偏差及其影响机理的检验 13

4.1指标、模型与数据 13

4.1.1指标选择 13

4.1.2模型构建 14

4.1.3数据来源 15

4.2数据检验 16

4.2.1信度效度检验及样本特征 16

4.2.2变量定义 17

4.2.3显著性检验 18

4.2.4多重共线性检验 20

4.3主成分因子分析 21

4.4主成分Logistic回归 22

4.5研究结果分析 24

4.6本章小结 26

第五章 防范对策与建议 27

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

第一章 绪论



图1-1 截止2017年11月保险业保费收入



监管方面,2017年以来,保监会加快出台各类规章制度,全年共计修订及完善法律规章26件。特别是在2017年4月,保监会接连发布“1 4”系列文件,针对保险市场主体在偿付能力、产品开发、业务经营、资金运用等方面存在的乱象问题,不断加大罚处力度。监控趋严,清除了大量行业内违规操作的非法险企,营造了更为公平公正的市场环境,有利于保险企业的健康发展,同时国民内需的增长加之国家政策的鼓励支持,我国保险业迎来发展的良好契机。

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