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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-03-18 21:10:45  


摘 要



关键词:节目模式 引进 改造 自主创新

Research on The Mechanism of TV Program

Introduction in China


Beginning in 2013,China has introduced a large number of domestic and overseas TV programs and it show blowout phenomenon,most of which have achieved high ratings and good market influence,at present and a period in the future,the introduction and the reformation program mode "spring" will continue. However,open the program mode coat,In China's TV industry,over the pursuit of short-term benefits while ignoring the long-term development of their own,so the atmosphere of independent innovation program is not strong,the introduction of program mode for the development of China's TV industry is a double-edged sword.It improves the program production staff of professional quality and execution,but also brought excessive competition and dependence on foreign program mode.

Overseas excellent TV program is our study material,in the introduction of the process, constantly on the original program to be adapted to the country's social and cultural environment.This paper mainly from the overview of the program mode,introduction of status of Chinese TV programs,TV program model of the impact of the introduction and the establishment of a sound mechanism for the introduction of television to carry on the analysis, combined with the survival status of the introduction of the program,analyze the further development of the TV industry in our country.

Key Words: Program mode; introduction; reform; Independent innovation

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 电视节目模式的概述 1

1.1 节目模式的概念界定 1

1.2 节目模式的普遍特征 2

1.2.1 独创性 3

1.2.2 专业性 3

1.2.3 普适性 3

1.2.4 灵活性 3

1.2.5 参与性 4

1.3.1 品牌价值 4

1.3.2 商业价值 4

1.3.3 文化价值 4

第二章 中国电视节目模式的引进历史与现状 5

2.1 节目引进阶段沿革 5

2.1.1 克隆阶段(1990-2007) 5

2.1.2 萌芽阶段(2007-2010) 5

2.1.4 冒进阶段(2013-2016) 6

2.1.5 节目引进现状 6

2.2 节目引进特点 6

2.2.1 节目同质化现象严重 7

2.2.2 节目质量良莠不齐 7

第三章 电视节目模式引进的影响 8

3.1 引进模式对于电视行业发展的积极影响 8

3.1.1 制播理念和制播分离的转变 8

3.1.2 工作模式的转变 8

3.1.3 工作方式流程化 8

3.2 引进模式对电视行业发展的消极影响 9

3.2.1 模式引进增强了节目制作团队的依赖性和创作惰性 9

3.2.2 模式攀比引起节目的同质化现象 9

3.2.3 模式引进加剧了电视频道资源的浪费 9

第四章 电视节目引进机制的战略选择 11

4.1 建立健全电视节目的引进机制 11

4.1.1 建立电视节目引进的筛选机制 11

4.1.2 健全电视节目的制播分离机制 11

4.1.3 加强电视节目模式本土化的机制 12

4.1.4 注重产业链后端的开发机制 12

4.2 激励国内视节目原创机制 13

4.2.1 形成“内容为王创新为先”的氛围 13

4.2.2 建立市场化的研发机制 13

4.2.3 创新用人机制 13

4.2.4 创新研发配套支持日益浓厚 14

4.2.5 多样化社会交流渠道 14

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 18




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