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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-01-23 21:45:25  


摘 要



关键词:对外援助 经济增长 非洲

Study on China's Foreign Service Trade under "Belt and Road"


Since the reform and opening-up, with the continuous development of the socialist market economy, China, as the largest developing country, has significantly strengthened its economic strength. At the same time, China has also noticed that many African countries are still in poverty. With the development of China-Africa friendly relations and humanitarian considerations, international assistance has been carried out. According to the White Paper on China's Foreign Aid (2014), 201. From 0 to 2012, China provided development assistance to 51 countries in the African region, accounting for 51.8% of the total foreign aid in the same period. Through economic assistance, China promoted the construction of infrastructure, agriculture, industry, medical care, health and education. In South-South cooperation, China proposed to provide assistance to other developing countries to reduce poverty and improve people's livelihood. At the same time, under the policy of "one belt and one way", the amount of aid in China is far greater than before, and the way of assistance is constantly innovating and deepening.

According to the data from China's aid database to Africa, the economic data of Africa in recent years have shown good performance, rapid economic growth, whether there is a link between African economic growth and China's international assistance, whether Sino-African trade relations have been strengthened, and what changes and innovations China has made in international assistance with the development of African economy are the focus of this paper.

Keywords: foreign aid;economic growth;africa

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 导论 1

1.1 研究背景和研究意义 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 研究内容和研究方法 2

第二章 对外援助概况 3

2.1 世界主要发达国家对外援助现状 3

2.1.1 美国 3

2.1.2 日本 5

2.1.3 欧盟 6

2.2 中国对外援助现状及分析 6

第三章 中国对非援助现状及特点 8

3.1 非洲国家经济概述 8

3.2 中国援助非洲概况 9

3.3 中国援助非洲特点 10

3.4 中国对非援助重要动机:贸易关系 11

3.5 对非援助具体表现:五通发展 12

3.5.1 政策沟通 12

3.5.2设施联通 13

3.5.3民心相通 14

3.5.4资金融通 14

3.5.5 贸易畅通 14

第四章 中国对非援助的影响和对策 16

4.1 对非援助积极影响 16

4.2 对非援助消极影响 17

4.3 提高中国对非援助效果的对策 17

结 语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 22

第一章 导论

1.1 研究背景和研究意义


1.2 研究现状

关于对外援助的文献表明,对外援助促进了捐助国和受援国之间的双边贸易流动,其影响随时间而变化,但也取决于捐助国的国家利益(Chenery和Strout,1966年,Nowak Lehmann等人,2009年,Osei等人,2004年,Pettersson和Johansson,2013年)。持续的对外援助流入改善了捐助国与受援国之间的双边经济关系,这有助于加速双方之间的贸易流动。然而,仍然有许多潜在的因素解释这种影响。如果外国援助促进了整体贸易,或者对捐助者接受的货物和服务的流入和流出有不同的影响,我们希望进一步探讨。

对外援助在改善全球经济环境方面发挥了重要作用,最终促中国美国出口及其全球影响力。Nowak Lehmann、Mart_nez Zarzoso、Herzer、Klasen和Cardozo(2013)以及Mart_nez Zarzoso、Nowak Lehmann、Parra和Klasen(2014)的实证研究表明,中国对发展中国家的出口与其双边援助正相关。然而,援助并未促进受援国的出口(Nowak Lehmann等人,2013年)。关于不同捐助者的行为,有一些关于中国和其他捐助者援助分配的比较工作(Alesina和Dollar,2000年)。Harrigan和Wang(2011)比较了中国与其他主要捐助者的援助分配情况,发现中国比其他国家更重视其国家利益。通过比较方法,Amusa等人(2016)实证研究了中国和美国国对撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA)的援助分配。研究结果表明:(1)受援国的需求和受援国的利益是决定中美两国援助分配的重要因素;(2)中国为自然资源向该地区提供援助,而中国则更加关注其全球力量。


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