2021-10-12 22:18:22
摘 要
Five central Asian countries, located in the center of Eurasia , China's only way to European countries, the core of the "silk road economic belt" area, have very important strategic position. Therefore,research of the bilateral trade patterns of China and the five central Asian countries at present stage and the potential challenges brought by the strategy of “ one belt one road” has extremely important theoretical value and practical significance to accelerate the construction of the “silk road economic belt”.
Based on the current trade pattern between China and five Central Asian countries,this paper calculates the trade dependence index of China and five Central Asian countries by HM index and concludes that: there is obvious trade imbalance between China and the five central Asian countries and the trade dependence between China and the five central Asian countries has asymmetric characteristics.At the same time,this paper analyses what challenges “one belt and one road” will brings to the traditional trade relations between China and five Central Asian countries and carries out some relative solutions.
Actively carry out the policy of "cooperation and win-win" and create a good trading environment; speed up the pace of domestic industrial up grading and adjust the structure of bilateral trade;strengthen the construction of infrastructure, and promote the development of the bilateral trade are all effective ways to deal with the new challenges brought by "one belt and one road" strategy to China and the five central Asian countries’ trade cooperation .
Key words: five central Asian countries;one belt and one road;trade patterns;trade dependence ;challenges
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的和意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状综述 1
1.3研究内容及论文架构图 2
1.3.1 研究内容 2
1.3.2 贸易格局演变的界定 2
1.3.3 论文架构图 3
1.4研究技术路线和研究方法 3
1.5 论文特色之处 4
第2章 中国与中亚五国传统贸易格局 5
2.1中国与中亚五国贸易现状 5
2.2中国与中亚五国贸易障碍和问题 9
第3章 中国与中亚五国贸易市场依存度量化分析 10
3.1研究方法 10
3.1.1 贸易依赖度测量指标 10
3.1.2 数据来源 10
3.1.3 研究范围界定 10
3.2 1999-2014年中国与中亚五国贸易依赖度HM分析 10
3.2.1 1999-2014中国出口对中亚五国市场贸易依赖度分析 11
3.2.2 1999-2014中亚五国出口对中国市场贸易依赖度分析 13
3.3 中国与哈萨克斯坦具体产品贸易依赖度分析 15
第4章 “一带一路”对中国与中亚五国传统贸易关系的挑战 19
4.1基础设施方面的挑战 19
4.2贸易格局方面的挑战 19
4.3贸易相互依赖的的挑战 20
4.4域外大国对中亚五国市场争夺的挑战 20
第5章 推动中国与中亚五国之间双边贸易发展的对策建议 21
5.1 加快贸易基础设施建设,推进双边贸易的发展 21
5.2优化国内产业升级,调整贸易结构 21
5.3积极推行“合作共赢”为理念的外交战略,创造良好的双边贸易环境 22
第6章 结论 23
参考文献 24
附录 25
致谢 31
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究目的和意义
自古丝绸之路起,中亚国家便在双边贸易合作中占据着重大经济作用,但其深居亚洲内陆,交通劣势明显。“一带一路”战略的实施,将使中亚五国的地缘劣势转为优势,并将中亚打造成连接亚洲和欧洲的便捷通道,拓展其与外界的联系,扩大国际合作。在经济合作方面,中国与中亚五国在资源构成、产业结构和工农业发展水平等方面互补性很强, 扩大双边贸易可带动各国产品生产和服务的发展,从而提高就业水平。另一方面,中亚五国石油、天然气、矿产等资源储量丰富且当地劳动力廉价而充足,中国作为其最理想的市场,双方土地接壤也为产品运输提供了便利条件。同时,中国是世界第二大经济体,市场规模居全球第二,外汇储备居全球第一,有很多具备技术优势的产业,加之基础设施建设经验丰富,因此中国完全有能力为包括中亚五国在内的丝绸之路沿线国家创造新的发展机遇。