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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-04-14 21:22:23  

摘 要





With the rise of "Central China", the development policy of "Belt and Road", the continuous development of Hubei's economy, the increasing of foreign trade, the rapid development of highway, railway and air transportation, the shortage of resources and the soaring oil price, Hubei is in urgent need of developing waterway transportation with low energy consumption, low land occupation and large volume of transportation. The investment and construction of the new port in Wuhan is becoming increasingly urgent. In order to better plan the infrastructure of the port, make better arrangements for the operation and management of the port, and better allocate the resources of the port, At this point, the port cargo throughput needs to be predicted. Port cargo throughput can be predicted as port infrastructure Planning, operation management, resource allocation for reference.

This paper introduces the research background of port throughput prediction and throughput forecasting methods, as well as the current situation of research on this aspect at home and abroad. First of all, we make an appropriate analysis of the influencing factors of the original data. The main influencing factors are the level of infrastructure development and the economic development level of the hinterland. The infrastructure is mainly reflected through the port areas, berths and distribution networks. The economic level of the hinterland is reflected by the economic indicators of the hinterland. Secondly, this paper analyzes the cargo throughput of Wuhan Newport in previous years, finds out its characteristics, and then uses our analysis of the original data and the factors affecting the raw data to build up. A suitable model is set up to predict the future throughput of goods. In this paper, the linear regression model, the grey GM(1,1) model and the combined forecasting model are selected, and the results of the prediction are analyzed and summarized. Finally, this study is summarized, and the shortcomings and prospects of this study are written.

Key words:Cargo throughput prediction;Univariate linear regression model;Grey GM (1,1) model;Combined prediction model

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究的主要内容和技术路线 3

1.3.1 研究的主要内容 3

1.3.2 研究的技术路线 3

第2章 武汉新港货物吞吐量预测影响因素分析 5

2.1 基础设施现状及发展趋势分析 5

2.1.1 武汉新港港区泊位发展现状及趋势 5

2.1.2 武汉新港集疏运网络发展现状及趋势 5

2.2 货物吞吐量现状与发展趋势分析 6

2.3 腹地经济发展现状与趋势分析 7

第3章 武汉新港货物吞吐量预测模型的构建 10

3.1 模型构建的思路 10

3.1.1 武汉新港初始数据 10

3.1.2 武汉新港初始数据特征分析 10

3.1.3 预测模型的选择 11

3.2 预测方法与模型 12

3.2.1 回归分析法 12

3.2.2 灰色系统法 13

3.2.3 组合预测法 14

第4章 武汉新港货物吞吐量预测 16

4.1 回归分析预测模型 16

4.1.1 自变量的确定 16

4.1.2 一元线性回归模型参数标定 18

4.1.3 一元线性回归模型的检验 18

4.1.4 吞吐量预测 20

4.2 灰色系统预测模型 21

4.2.1 数列级比检验 21

4.2.2 建立GM(1,1)模型 22

4.2.3 残差检验以及后验差检验 24

4.2.4 货物吞吐量的预测 26

4.3 组合预测法 26

4.3.1 权重的确定以及组合预测精度的测算 26

4.3.2 组合预测模型预测值的计算 28

4.4 三种预测方法的比较 29

4.4.1 三种方法MAPE值的比较 29

4.4.2 三种方法未来预测值的比较 29

第5章 结论与展望 31

5.1 研究结论 31

5.2 研究的不足与展望 31

参考文献 33

致 谢 34

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的目的及意义



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