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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-03-12 00:05:14  

摘 要






With the “One Belt, One Road ”national strategy and the establishment of the Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Zone, the throughput of the refrigerated container in Nansha port will continue to grow. The proposed Guangzhou Port Cold Chain Logistics Park is located in the southwest side of the NICT. It will form a fast channel for the import and export cold chain products with NICT. NICT will become an significant node for cold chain cargo transportation .It is of great practical significance to optimize the refrigerated container yard of NICT.

In this paper, the refrigerated container yard of NICT (Nansha International Container Terminal) is selected as the research object. Aiming at balancing the workloads between different yard bays and minimizing the distance from berths to yards, this paper established a two-phase mixture storage optimization model. At first, the Excel is used of allocating storage space to verify the feasibility of this model, that is, there is no contradiction between different constraints. Then, using LINGO to solve the optimization model, the optimal solution is obtained. Finally, the feasible solution and the optimal solution are compared. It is found that the mixture storage optimization model does reduce the bottleneck of the gantry cranes and the transport distance of the internal trucks, indicating that the optimization model is effective. During the process of establishing the model, the customers’ delivery/retrieve plan (external) and the ships’ loading/discharging plan (internal) have been taken into account. In view of this, the paper wants to improve the overall operating conditions of reefer containers with the help of optimizing the refrigerated container yards, making the cold chain logistics system works efficiently and smoothly in NICT.

The innovation of this paper is to give adequate considerations to the storage characteristics and management requirements of reefer containers. Combined with the plane layout of the port area, the mixture storage model is introduced into the optimization of the refrigerated container yard. And the optimization effect of the model under different reefer container volumes is studied in the empirical analysis.

Key Words: cold chain logistics; reefer containers; mixture storage optimization

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外相关研究现状综述 2

1.3 主要研究方法及技术路线 3

第2章 南沙三期冷藏箱业务发展现状及趋势分析 6

2.1 南沙三期集装箱及冷藏箱业务发展现状及趋势 6

2.1.1南沙三期集装箱码头基本情况 6

2.1.2南沙三期集装箱及冷藏箱吞吐量需求分析 6

2.2 南沙三期冷藏箱堆场分析 7

2.2.1 南沙三期冷藏箱堆场的特点 7

2.2.2 南沙三期冷藏箱堆场布局 8

2.2.3 南沙三期冷藏箱堆场通过能力 10

2.3 南沙三期冷藏箱堆存要求 10

2.3.1 冷藏箱状态类型 10

2.3.2 冷藏箱的堆存方式 11

第3章 冷藏箱堆场箱位分配优化模型构建 12

3.1 影响箱位分配的主要因素 12

3.2 模型维度分析 14

3.3 贝位间作业量平衡分配模型 14

3.4 内集卡路径优化模型 18

第4章 冷藏箱堆场箱位分配优化模型求解 20

4.1 模型求解方法 20

4.2 模型求解过程 21

4.2.1 编程求解步骤 21

4.2.2 模型初始条件设定 24

4.2.3 基于Excel的箱位分配 28

4.2.4 基于LINGO的箱位分配 34

4.2.5 箱位分配优化效果比较 34

4.3 箱位分配模型优化效果稳定性分析 34

4.3.1 较高箱量水平 35

4.3.2 较低箱量水平 35

4.3.3 结果分析 36

第5章 结论与展望 37

参考文献 39

附录A:Excel箱位分配结果 41

致谢 66

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的与意义



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