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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通运输 > 正文


 2021-03-11 23:24:09  

摘 要




关键词:滚装运输; 汽车; 经济性;


With the rapid development of China's auto sales, combined with the special nature of ro-ro transport and the economic transport of marine shipping, China's domestic trade rolling transport of car goods industry developed rapidly.At present, Chinese economy will be in the new normal, China's domestic trade ro-ro transport, especially inland waterway transport, also be into the new normal. In the context of the new normal, this paper will research the economy of the Yangtze River trunk car rolling transport in Yangtze River Line .

In view of the current ro / ro ship replacement and the rapid development of integrated transport of the status quo, this paper analyses that the Yangtze River car rolling transport economical efficiency.With reference to the development of the world and domestic rolling transportation, combined with the Yangtze River trunk car rolling transportation, the process of the government implementing the "One Belt, One Road" policy in the Yangtze River economic zone and the development of the Yangtze River along the coast, this paper will research the ro-ro transport through economic analysis and ship theory, propose specific feasible program from the aspect of economy.

First of all, this paper describes the ro-ro ship theory,and gives a detailed description of the ro-ro transport of the relevant theory, the status of the development of ro-ro transport, automobile enterprise development and commodity vehicle manufacturing. Secondly, the Yangtze River waterway situation was analyzed by a chapter of the paper.It mainly talks about the situation of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River waterway. Thirdly, in the reference ship,we should assess its economic evaluation. Evaluation is divided into four steps: First, the establishment of ship economic indicators system. Second, the economic analysis of several kinds of mother ship. Thirdly, the sensitivity analysis of some economic results is carried out. Fourth, compare the results of the sensitivity analysis. At the end of the paper, according to the current policy, put forward the feasibility of the Yangtze River Ro-Ro transportation development proposals.

Key words:ro-ro transportation; car; economical efficiency; Yangtze River Line;


第1章 绪论 1

1.1背景以及国内外研究现状 1

1.2研究目标 1

1.3研究内容 2

1.4长江干线汽车滚装运输市场概况 3

1.4.1长江干线汽车生产企业现状 3

1.4.2长江干线部分省份汽车指标 7

第2章 长江干线汽车滚装运输的历史和发展现状 10

2.1滚装运输的发展历史 10

2.1.1滚装运输航线的发展 10

2.2滚装运输装卸工艺介绍 10

2.2.1 滚装运输定义 10

2.2.2滚装运输的特点 11

2.3滚装运输组织现状 12

2.4滚装运输市场现状 12

2.4.1国内汽车市场 12

2.4.2汽车滚装运输量 13

第3章 长江干线汽车滚装运输经济性测算 15

3.1滚装船理论 15

3.2滚装运输船型构成 16

3.3长江上游地区状况 16

3.4 发展滚装船运输综合效益测算 20

3.5指标体系的建立 20

3.5.1船舶营运指标 22

3.5.2船舶经济指标 22

3.5.3安全、质量与燃料消耗指标 22

3.5.4航线成本指标 23

3.6船舶营运经济性测算 23

3.6.1测算中所涉及的公式以及符号规定 23

3.6.2参数计算 24

3.7部分参数取值 26

3.7.1船价确定 26

3.7.2运费率的确定 28

3.7.3计算结果分析 30

3.7.4敏感性分析 30

3.8用图示法反映 36

第4章 长江干线汽车滚装运输发展对策总结 38

4.1管理体制和市场规则的完善 38

4.1.1减少审批环节,简化审批程序 38

4.1.2加大运力调控力度 39

4.2船舶安全航行管理规定的监督和执行 39

4.2.1制定科学发展政策 39

4.2.2加快基础设施的建设 39

4.3积极减少制约因素的作用 39

参考文献 41

第1章 绪论



张俊[1]在《商品车内贸滚装运输行业的现状及未来发展》研究国内滚装行业的发展中做了详细的介绍,通过分析滚装运输量近十年的发展趋势并通过计算GB1589 中置轴挂车整车运输商品车单车成本,得出中置轴挂车将被大范围利用的结论,间接预测了滚装运输的未来发展。莫艳芳在《滚装码头吞吐量预测方法研究》[2]中研究南海滚装运输吞吐量的预测方法并对其进行实证分析,以检验预测模型的有效性和准确性,从而证明组合预测模型对于波动较大、影响因素复杂的数据具有很好的适用性。


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