2020-04-29 19:56:58
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
2. 参考文献
1、Barham, P., Fereday, D. and Oxley, P., 2005, Review of Class 2 and Class 3 powered wheelchairs and powered scooters (UK) 2、Bruneau, J-F. and Maurice, P., 2012, A Legal Status for Personal Mobility Devices (Quebec) 3、Cassell, E., Clapperton, A., Gibson, K., Kitching, F., Ozane-Smith, J., 2011, Targeted Study of Injury Data Involving Motorised Mobility Scooters (Monash) 4、Deverell, L. and Pannier, S., 2011, Orientation and Mobility with Motorised Mobility Scooters and Electric Wheelchairs 5、Edwards, K. and McCluskey, A., 2010, A survey of adult power wheelchair and scooter users (University of Sydney, NSW) 6、Miles-Tapping, C. and MacDonald, L., 1994, Lifestyle implications of powered mobility
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
3月10日前 完成文献检索、外文翻译 3月15日前 完成开题报告 3月25日前 完成实验设计 4月中旬 完成实验 5月上旬 完成实验分析报告 5月中旬 完成论文初稿 5月下旬 论文答辩