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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-04-12 16:28:16  

摘 要





In the past two years, shared bicycles, as short-distance travel modes, can transfer with public transportation and effectively relieve the “last mile” problem of rail transit travelers. Sharing bicycles also brings many problems while facilitating people's travel. A large number of disorderly parked shared bicycles impose a heavy burden on the traffic in the urban center area and also affect people's travel and transfer. Therefore, it is necessary to share bicycles and rail transportation. Transfer and transfer to study.

The article first analyzes the traffic characteristics of the two types of travel modes of shared bicycles and rail transit, and the passenger flow characteristics of the two modes of transport. Combined with the differences and complementarities of the two modes of transport, it points out that the transfer of rail transit and shared bicycles in China is It is necessary. Secondly, it points out that the basis for the design and planning of parking and transfer facilities is the demand for the transfer of travelers. Based on the data of the Wuhan Metro Rail Transit Line 2 questionnaire, combined with the existing demand forecast models at home and abroad to determine the influencing factors affecting the selection of rail transit passenger transfer modes, a number of Logit models were established, and a shared bicycle exchange was obtained. Take the share of rail transit, and then determine the transfer rate of public transportation, walking, and private bicycles to the shared bicycle. After determining the passenger flow, based on a certain site, the method for calculating the demand for shared bicycle borrowing is proposed. Calculate the number of rail transit transfer shared bicycles, determine the number of shared bicycle rental points at a site, and plan and design the parking lot for shared cycle transfer rail transit, including the principles, requirements, classification, etc. of parking lot design. Finally, take Wuhan Metro Line 2 as an example to analyze the surrounding land use, and then plan the parking lot to determine the specific location of the shared bicycle parking lot.

  Keywords: shared bicycles; rail transit; connection transfer; demand forecasting; scale calculation

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究现状 1

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.3 现状述评及文献综述的总结 3

1.4 研究内容与技术路线 4

1.4.1 研究内容 4

1.4.2 技术路线 5

1.5 本章小结 5

第二章 共享单车和轨道交通方式特征分析 6

2.1 轨道交通的特性分析 6

2.1.1 轨道交通优劣势分析 6

2.1.2 轨道交通客流特性分析 7

2.2 共享单车特性分析 7

2.3 共享单车换乘轨道交通的必要性 8

2.4 换乘特点及影响因素分析 9

2.4.1 换乘特点 9

2.4.2 影响因素分析 10

2.5 本章小结 10

第三章 共享单车与轨道交通换乘选址和客流规模研究 11

3.1 理论基础 11

3.1.1 非集计模型简述 11

3.1.2 多项Logit模型 11

3.2 换乘方式选择影响因素分析 13

3.2.1 调查结果分析 13

3.2.2 影响因素确定 16

3.3 模型构建 18

3.3.1 相关性分析 18

3.3.2 参数的确定 20

3.3.3 预测结果 22

3.3.4 结果分析 23

3.4 共享单车接驳借还需求量确定 23

3.4.1 共享单车借车需求量 23

3.4.2 共享单车还车需求量 24

3.5 本章小结 24

第四章 轨道交通与共享单车的换乘规划优化与设计 25

4.1 轨道交通与共享单车接驳换乘租赁点的设计原则 25

4.2 自行车停车组织及管理 25

4.3 共享单车租赁点规模设置 26

4.3.1 基于用户满意度的周转率确定方法 27

4.3.2 共享单车设置数量 27

4.4 共享单车设置规划 27

4.5 应用举例 28

4.5.1 螃蟹岬站路口介绍 28

4.5.2 周围土地利用情况 29

4.5.3 停车区域规划 30

4.5.4 规划后评价 31

4.5.5 其他设施 31

4.6 本章小结 31

第五章 结论与展望 32

5.1 主要研究成果 32

5.2 展望与不足 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景



1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 国外研究现状

  1. 日本的自行车停车换乘设施


  1. 丹麦哥本哈根的自行车设施



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