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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-06-20 18:58:55  

摘 要

本设计为204国道A标段(K0 000—K5 886.884)施工图设计。该标段路线设计总长为5.887km,设计速度100km/h,路基全宽26.5m,双向四车道一级公路标准,路面结构为沥青混凝土路面。




204 State Road A tenders construction design


The design for the 204 National Road A tenders (K0 000-K5 886.884) construction design. The total length of the tenders is 5.887km, the design speed is 100km/h, the roadbed is 26.5m wide, the two-way four-lane, the first-class highway standard and the pavement structure is the asphalt concrete pavement.

204 State Road A tenders for the national road reconstruction project, to meet the existing norms and standards and without increasing the amount of engineering under the premise of the original road to improve. The According to the characteristics of the geological conditions, terrain, features and hydrological conditions of the road section, according to the "Highway Engineering Technology Standard" (JTGB01-2003) issued by the Ministry of Communications, we use the weft software to route the plane line, Line and cross section, roadbed design and calculation, drawing out the road plan, longitudinal section, subgrade standard cross-section diagram, take the pit and spoil pile design, cross-section, plane layout, and the relevant calculation table, And the preparation of the corresponding part of the design specifications.

In the design of the pavement structure, the pavement structure design software is used to calculate the deflection value of the pavement structure design and the thickness of the pavement structure, so as to design the pavement structure. According to the design specification, the slope protection and the road surface drainage are designed, the slope protection engineering design, the cross section and the road cross section are drawn, and the relevant design scheme is compiled. Finally, the structure is briefly designed.

Keywords: construction drawing design, cross section, longitudinal section, linear, roadbed, protective drainage, structure


摘要 II

Abstract III

目录 IV

第一章 方案设计 1

1.1 设计依据 1

1.2 技术标准 2

1.3 路线走向及主要控制点 2

1.4 自然地理概况 3

1.5 路线方案 3

第二章:路线平纵线形设计 5

2.1 平曲线设计 5

2.2 纵断面设计 7

2.3 平纵线形组合设计 8

第三章:路基设计 10

3.1 路基的类型与构造 10

3.3 路基横断面设计 10

3.4 平曲线加宽设计 13

3.5 平曲线超高设计 14

3.6 路基边坡稳定性分析 17

3.7一般路基填筑设计 18

3.8 特殊路基设计 19

第四章:路基土石方计算与调配 21

4.1 土石方数量计算 21

4.2路基土石方调配 21

4.3 取土坑位置示意图 22

4.4 路基土石方调配过程及结果 22

第五章:路面设计 24

5.1 基本资料 24

5.2 初拟路面结构 26

5.3 路面材料配合比设计与设计参数的确定 26

5.4 路面结构厚度的确定 27

5.5 验算防冻厚度 27

5.6 路面结构示意图 27

第六章:防护排水设计 28

6.1 坡面防护工程设计 28

6.2 路基排水设计 29

6.3 路面排水设计 29

第七章:构造物设计 31

7.1 涵洞设计 31

7.2 通道设计 31

参考文献 32

第一章 方案设计

本课题名称为204国道A标段施工图设计。204国道扩建工程常熟A施工标段起自常熟与张家港的交界处,设计起点桩号K0 000,设计终点桩号K5 886.884,路线全长5.887km。本路段按一级公路标准设计,设计时速100km/h。

1.1 设计依据


(2)中华人民共和国行业标准《公路路基设计规范》(JTGD30- 2015)北京:人民交通出版社,2015


(4)中华人民共和国行业标准《公路沥青路面设计规范》(JTGD50-2006 )北京:人民交通出版社,2006



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