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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 制药工程 > 正文


 2022-06-04 23:06:46  


摘 要


本论文采用固定化1,3-位选择性脂肪酶催化制备结构性油脂1,3-二油酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(OPO),详细考察了制备过程中的进样流程、物料比例、反应条件和助剂添加量等对产品收率和含量的影响。对比了固定化脂肪酶 Lipozyme RM IM和Novozymes 435 的催化活性和 产品收率,发现 Lipozyme RM IM 最优。首先,探索了合成1,3-二油酸甘油酯的工艺条件。考察了合成过程中除水与否的影响,采用敞口和真空两种工艺,发现真空条件下进行酯化反应更有利于合成 1,3-二油酸甘油酯。对工艺进行优化,获得最佳工艺条件为:底物摩尔比(油酸:甘油)为 2:1, 酶添加量为5%,表面活性剂Triton x-100添加量1%,反应温度 70oC,反应时间10 h。最高1,3-二油酸甘油酯的含量达到 44.59%。

其次,探索了合成单甘脂的工艺条件。研究发现,敞口釜式反应,70oC反应温度,流加油酸到甘油体系中有利于单甘脂的合成。考察了流加速率和底物摩尔比等条件的影响,发现最优条件为2h流加完,底物摩尔比(油酸:甘油)为1.5:1,酶添加量 5%,反应时间10 h,反应温度60 oC。最高单甘酯含量达到51.76%。

最后,探索了利用固定化1,3-位选择性脂肪酶合成1,3-二油酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(OPO)的工艺条件。将棕榈酸与甘油在反应釜中甲苯磺酸催化条件下进行反应生成棕榈酸甘油三酯(PPP),优化得到的最优反应条件为甘油7.3 g、棕榈酸66.8 g、对甲苯磺酸0.7 g,油浴反应温度115oC,反应时间5h。在此基础上,将得到的PPP与油酸在Lipozyme RM IM的催化下进行酸解反应,优化得到最佳反应条件为:底物摩尔比(PPP:油酸)为1:6,加酶量为5%,反应温度为70oC,反应时间为12 h。在此反应条件下,产物中甘油三酯的含量为32.2%,而OPO 在产物中的含量为 67.8%。

关键词:脂肪酶 甘油二酯 单甘脂 1,3-二油酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯

Study of the catalytic performance of immobilized 1,3 selectivity lipase


Enzyme catalysis technology plays an important role in modern oil industry, especially in the production of functional and edible oil. It exhibits the advantages of low energy consumption, environment-friendly and hight quality. However, the activity, stability and reusability of free enzymes are weak. Enzyme immobilization can realize these problems.Immobilized 1,3 selectivity lipase is the most important catalyst to the funtional grease synthetised by biological methods.

This paper studies the production of 1,3-dioleoyl-2-palmitoyl-glycerol (OPO) by immobilized 1,3 selectivity lipase. And the paper studies the effects of process of adding sample , ratio of material,reaction conditions and amount of additives to yield and content of products. By contrast Lipozyme RM IM and Novozymes 435, we find that Lipozyme RM IM is better. First,we explore the technological conditions of synthesizing 1,3-Diacylglycerol. We investigate whether need to remove water , then conduct methods of vacuum condition and open condition. Under the vacuum condition,the esterification reaction can be better for synthesizing 1,3-Diacylglycerol. By optimizing the technology, we get the optimum conditions. And the optimum technical conditions are:2:1 for substrate molar ratio (oleic acid:glycerol) , 5% for load of enzyme , 1% for load of Triton x-100 , 70oC for temperature, 10 h for time. The content of 1,3-Diacylglycero reaches 44.59%.

Then,we investigate the technological conditions of synthesizing Monoacylglycerol . Research finds that open condition, 70oC and flowing oleic acid to glycerol are conducive to synthesizing Monoacylglycerol. We investigate the effects of speed of flowing and substrate molar ratio. And the optimum technical conditions are:2 hours for flowing oleic acid , 1.5:1 for substrate molar ratio(oleic acid:glycerol), 5% for load of enzyme , 70oC for temperature, 10 h for time. The content of 1,3-Diacylglycero reaches 51.76%.

Lastly, we investigate the technological conditions of synthesizing 3-dioleoy-2-palmitoyl-glycerol(OPO) by immobilized 1,3 selectivity lipase. Under the catalyzing of toluene sulfonic acid, palmitic acid and glycerol reaction in kettle and synthesize PPP. The optimum reaction conditions are follows: 7.3 g for glycero, 66.8 g for palmitic acid, 0.7 g for toluene sulfonic acid,115oC for temperature and 5 h for time. Then under the catalyzing of Lipozyme RMIM, PPP and oleic acid conduct acidolysis reaction . And the optimum technical conditions are follows: 1:6 for substrate molar ratio(PPP:oleic acid),5% for load of enzyme, 70oC for temperature, 12 h for time.. Under these conditions,the content of PPP in the product is 32.2% and the content of OPO reaches 67.8%.

KEYWORDS: Lipase; Diacylglycerol ; Monoacylglycerol ; 1,3-dioleoy-2-palmitoyl-glycerol

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1脂肪酶 1

1.1.1脂肪酶简介 1

1.1.2脂肪酶的结构 1

1.1.3脂肪酶的催化特性 2

1.2甘油二酯的简介 2

1.2.1 甘油二酯的概况 2

1.2.2 甘油二酯的生理作用 3

1.2.3 甘油二酯的应用 4

1.3 单甘酯的简介 4

1.3.1 单甘酯的概况 4

1.3.2 单甘酯的应用 5

1.4 结构油脂1,3-二油酸-2-棕榈酸甘油三酯(OPO) 6

1.4.1 母乳中的脂肪组成 6

1.4.2 OPO的概况 7

1.5本论文研究思路 7

第二章 固定化1,3-位选择性脂肪酶催化合成甘油二酯 9

2.1 仪器与试剂 9

2.1 实验方法 9

2.2.1 薄层色谱法(TLC) 10

2.2.2无溶剂体系酶促酯化制备 1,3-二油酸甘油酯 10

2.2.3 高效液相色谱法分析产物 10

2.2.4标准曲线的绘制 11

2.3 结果与讨论 13

2.3.1 薄层色谱分离 13

2.3.2合成方式的确定 13

2.3.3脂肪酶的选择 14

2.3.4反应温度对酯化反应的影响 15

2.3.5底物摩尔比对酯化反应的影响 16

2.3.6酶添加量对酯化反应的影响 17

2.3.7表面活性剂Triton x-100对二甘酯含量影响 18

2.3.8 表面活性剂吐温80对二甘酯含量影响 19

第三章 固定化1,3-位选择性脂肪酶催化合成单甘酯 21

3.1 材料与仪器 21

3.2 实验方法 21


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