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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 应用化学 > 正文


 2022-06-23 20:14:42  


摘 要


本文拟研制人血清钙、锂的国家级标准物质。本文通过透析,将半透膜制成袋状,将生物大分子样品溶液置入袋内,将此透析袋浸入水或缓冲液中,样品溶液中的大分子量的生物大分子被截留在袋内,而盐和小分子物质不断扩散透析到袋外,直到袋内外两边的浓度达到平衡从而得到最低浓度,再通过添加法制得高、中、低三种浓度。通过电解质分析仪测定人血清中各种离子浓度。离子电极法由于选择性高、标本用量少、快速、准确而成为医院常规实验室及急诊实验室检测Ca2 、Li 的首选方法。人血清标准物质的研制和使用将有利于提高医学领域的质量控制,也有利于推动该领域的研究和发展。


The development of national human serum standard reference material—Calcium,Lithium


In human serum element determination is analysis of common medical research and clinical diagnosis. Because of large amount of samples, the complicated matrix, comparison with clinical examination. Therefore, we must use the standard value of serum. At present, medical inspection on the instrument calibration standard substances are mainly imported products, high prices. The development of China's own human serum ion standard substance of great significance.

The national standard material of this thesis is to develop human serum calcium, lithium. Through analyzing the semipermeable membrane, will be made into a bag shape, the biological macromolecule sample solution into the bag, the dialysis bag immersed in water or buffer, biomolecules with large molecular weight in the sample solution was trapped in the bag, and salt and small molecules diffusing dialysis to outside of the bag, concentration until the bag and on both sides of the balance in order to get the lowest concentration, and then by adding method, three kinds of HISTEP, in low concentration. Various ion concentration in human serum by electrolyte analyzer. Ion electrode method with high selectivity, less amount of sample, rapid, accurate and has become the preferred method for the detection of Ca2 , Li routine hospital laboratory and emergency laboratory. The development and use of human serum reference materials will help to improve the quality control of the medical field, but also conducive to promoting research and development in this field.

Keywords: Serum; Standard material; dialysis; Calcium; Lithium

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 标准物质的含义及其基本作用 1

1.2.1 标准物质及质控样的定义 1

1.2.2 标准物质的级别及其应用 2

1.2.3 标准物质在电解质分析中的应用 2

1.3 透析原理 4

1.4 血清中离子的检测方法 5

1.4.1离子选择电极法 5

1.4.2 原子吸收分光光度法 6

1.4.3 ICP-AES 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 7

1.5 论文任务 8

第二章 实验内容 9

2.1 实验仪器及药品 9

2.2 实验试剂的配置 9

2.3 实验步骤 10

2.3.1 透析实验 10

2.3.2 血清中钙、锂的测定 11

第三章 实验结果与讨论 13

3.1 透析实验数据及分析 13

3.2 原子吸收分光光度法测钙的数据及分析 13

3.3 ICP-AES测量数据及分析 15

3.4 电解质分析仪测量数据 16

3.5 两种方法测量数据的比较 16

第四章 结论与展望 18

4.1实验结论 18

4.2前景展望 18

参考文献 19

致 谢 21

  1. 绪论

1.1 引言


血液中的钙几乎全部存在于血清内。血清钙有两种存在形式:结合钙与蛋白质或其它酸根结合;游离钙以钙离子形式存在。人体血清中钙含量为2.25-2.65mmol/L,两部分血钙约各占一半,其间保持动态平衡,其中游离钙是血钙直接发挥生理作用的部分。游离钙减少常见于低清蛋白血症、慢性肾功能衰竭、甲状旁腺功能减退、维生素D 缺乏、电解质代谢紊乱等,而高钙血症的常见病因有原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进、肿瘤等。血钙测定是临床实验室常用的检验项目,对某些疾病的诊断、治疗和病情监测有很重要的临床意义[1]


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