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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 应用化学 > 正文


 2022-01-12 20:55:51  


摘 要





关键词:超分子化学 葫芦[7]脲 含芘荧光染料 手性识别

Construction and application of fluorescent dye containing pyrene ⊂ CB [7]


Because of its unique properties and wide application prospects, supramolecular systems have been widely studied in the chemical field. The assembly of supramolecular host and guest is an important part of supramolecular chemistry. This paper mainly discusses the construction and application of pyrene containing fluorescent dyes and cucurbit [7] urea supramolecular system.

Cucurbit urea (CB [n]) is a fourth generation supramolecular host compound after crown ether, cyclodextrin and calixarenes. It is composed of several glycoluride structural units connected by methylene, with two ends open and large cavities inside. Because the macrocyclic structure of cucurbit [n] urea has the stability, rigidity and easy to choose cavity size that other supramolecular compounds do not have, it has been widely studied. Pyrene dye as a better fluorescence system, through the fluorescence spectrometer, can be more sensitive to the change of the system environment, so we can use pyrene dye and CB [7] inclusion complex to distinguish some special structures. In this paper, the binding and application of pyrene containing fluorescent dyes with CB [7] were studied by fluorescence spectrometric titration. The inclusion ratio of host guest complex was determined to be 1:1 by fluorescence titration, and the inclusion constant was determined by linear fitting of fluorescence titration.

With the constructed host guest complex, we can carry out molecular recognition. The inclusion complex of pyrene containing fluorescent dye and CB [7] has different fluorescence changes to D / L-phenylalanine, D / L-phenylalanine and D / L-valine, so it can be used to distinguish different chiral compounds. We believe that more chiral compounds can be identified by host and guest assembly with further exploration.

Key words: Supramolecular Chemistry Cucurbit [7] urea Fluorescent dye containing pyrene Chiral recognition


摘 要 2


第一章 文献综述 4

1.1 超分子化学 4

1.2 葫芦脲 4

1.2.1 葫芦脲发展状况 4

1.2.2 葫芦脲的结构与特性 5

1.2.3 葫芦脲的合成 6

1.2.4 葫芦脲的应用 6

1.3 芘荧光染料 8

1.3.1 芘染料的结构特点 9

1.3.2 含芘荧光染料的制备 9

1.3.3 含芘荧光染料的应用 9

1.4 超分子自组装 10

1.4.1 超分子自组装的研究方法 11

1.5 本课题的研究内容及意义 11

1.5.1. 本课题的研究内容 12

1.5.2. 本课题的研究意义 12

第二章 实验部分 13

2.1 引言 13

2.2 实验试剂与仪器 13

2.2.1. 实验试剂 13

2.2.2. 实验仪器 14

2.3 实验方法 14

第三章 结果与讨论 16

3.1 含芘荧光染料⊂CB[7]的紫外滴定和荧光滴定曲线解析 16

3.1.1. 1a/1b的紫外可见吸收曲线和荧光发射曲线 16

3.1.2. 1a/1b的荧光滴定曲线 16

3.1.3. 葫芦脲和1a/1b的包结常数计算 17

3.2 超分子对手性分子的荧光识别 17

3.3 小结 19

第四章 结论与展望 20

4.1 结论 20

4.2 展望 20

参考文献 21

致谢 23

第一章 文献综述


超分子化学与普通的分子化学不同,它是研究分子间非共价相互作用的化学学科。这种非共价相互作用通常为范德华力、氢键、配位键等一些弱的,可逆的力。超分子是具有特定功能和特定结构的组成复杂的、有组织的主-客体化合物。自从1987 年诺贝尔化学奖授予几位冠醚研究者以来,超分子化学的重要性和意义已经得到了充分的体现,此后,超分子化学受到了广泛的关注,它推动和加速了主客体化学、分子自组装、分子识别等新兴学科的发展。



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