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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 应用化学 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:36:45  

摘 要


首先,论文梳理了具有代表性的含有邻菲啰啉单元的电子传输/空穴阻挡材料。由于邻菲啰啉单元自身具有较强的电子亲和能力和较深的最高占据轨道(HOMO),因此其在电子传输和空穴阻挡方面具有较强的应用价值,目前对其进行修饰的侧重点主要是在改善热稳定性的同时提升电子迁移率。例如,京熙大学的Gyeong Woo Kim 等人将2-苯基邻菲啰啉与2,4-二苯基邻菲啰啉进行偶联,制备出新型电子传输材料p-b-PPhenB。p-b-PPhenB的玻璃化温度(Tg)和电子迁移率(e)分别达到123.9℃和5.8 × 10-3 cm2 V-1 s-1。材料较高的电子迁移率能够显著改善器件中的电子传输以及载流子平衡,从而提高器件的发光效率和工作寿命。




Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) with many attractive properties have shown broad application prospect in the fields of flat-panel display and solid-state illumination. To improve the performance of OLEDs for commercial applications, sustained efforts have been made both in optimizing device structure and in developing new functional layer materials. This thesis is devoted to summarizing the progress of 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives in different functional layers of OLEDs and overviewing the potential applications of 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives in OLEDs.

Firstly, the structures and properties of some typical electron transport/hole blocking materials based on the 1,10-phenanthroline core was summarized in this thesis. Owing to the intrinsic strong electron affinity and deep highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) level of the 1,10-phenanthroline unit, excellent electron transport and hole blocking ability have been achieved in 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives. Nevertheless, the 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives still suffer from poor thermal stability. To address this issue, some strategies have been demonstrated to improve thermal stability and enhance electron transport property of these materials. For example, Gyeong Woo Kim et al. synthesized a new electron transport material, p-b-PPhenB, through coupling 2-phenylphenanthroline with 2,4-diphenylphenanthroline. The glass transition temperature (Tg) and electron mobility (e) of p-b-PPhenB reached 123.9 oC and 5.8 × 10-3 cm2 V-1 s-1, respectively. The boosted electron mobility was benefit to charge balance in the device and thereby improved the luminous efficiency and lifetimes of the devices.

Secondly, bipolar host materials based on the 1,10-phenanthroline acceptor moiety were outlined. The triplet energy levels of these materials can be adjusted by changing the connection sites and types between the donor (carbazole or triphenylamine) and acceptor, to meet the requirements of different emitting materials in the OLEDs. Afterwards, the use of 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives as neutral ligands in transition metal phosphorescent complexes was summarized in this thesis. Taking Re(Ⅰ) complexes for example, their luminescent properties can be adjusted by changing the electron donating/withdrawing ability of the substituent, and conjugated system of the ligands. Finally, two series of purely organic fluorescent materials containing 1,10-phenanthroline donor units were disscussed and their luminescent properties (thermal activation delayed fluorescence, near infrared emission) were demonstrated in detail.

Key Words: organic light-emitting diode; 1,10-phenanthroline derivative; electronic transport material; bipolar host material; luminescent material

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 有机发光二极管(OLED)的发展历程及应用 1

1.2 有机发光二极管(OLED)的结构与工作原理 2

1.2.1 OLED器件结构 2

1.2.2 OLED发光原理 3

1.3 本论文的讨论对象及研究内容 4

第二章 邻菲啰啉衍生物在电子传输/空穴阻挡材料中的应用 5

2.1 不同苯基取代位置对邻菲啰啉性质的影响 7

2.2 2/9位修饰衍生物 8

2.3 3/8位修饰衍生物 12

2.4 4/7位修饰衍生物 14

第三章 邻菲啰啉衍生物在主体材料中的应用 18

3.1 主体材料的功能、特征及分类 18

3.2 含有电子受体单元-邻菲啰啉的双极性主体材料 18

第四章 邻菲啰啉衍生物在发光材料中的应用 24

4.1 含有邻菲啰啉衍生配体的重金属磷光材料 24

4.1.1 基于邻菲啰啉衍生物配体的金属铼配合物 24

4.2 含有邻菲啰啉单元的纯有机小分子荧光材料 29

4.2.1 给体-受体型热活化延迟荧光分子 29

4.2.2 给体-受体型普通荧光分子 33

总 结 36

参考文献 38

致 谢 44

第一章 绪论

有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode,OLED)是一种由有机材料薄膜制成的光电转换器件,能够响应电流而发光。在众多显示和照明技术当中,OLED凭借其自发光、响应快、宽视角、对比度高、超轻薄、低能耗、温度适应范围广等优点表现出极大的优越性。目前,OLED已经成功应用于平板显示、固态照明、传感器等领域,并被看作未来最具前景的新一代显示技术,对进一步改善人们的生活有着巨大潜力。

1.1 有机发光二极管(OLED)的发展历程及应用

1963年,美国纽约大学Pope等人[1]在蒽单晶片(厚度约为10~20 m)的两侧施加几百伏特的直流高压后首次观测到蒽的电致发光现象。1965年,W. Helfrich和W. G. Schneider等人[2]利用类似的方法再次观察到单晶蒽的蓝光发射,但由于发光条件苛刻(驱动电压高、发光效率低等)未引起广泛关注。1987年,美国柯达公司的C. W. Tang和Van Slyke等人[3]采用真空蒸镀技术制备出以芳香二胺为空穴传输层,8-羟基喹啉铝(Alq3)为电子传输层和发光层的新型OLED器件。当驱动电压达到10 V时,该器件即表现出较高的亮度(1000 cd m-2)、发光效率(1.5 lm W-1)和外量子效率(>1%),以上性能的突破充分激发了科研工作者对OLED研究的兴趣。1988年,Chihaya Adachi和Tetsuo Tsutsui等人[4]率先报道了由阴极、电子传输层、发光层、空穴传输层和阳极组成的双异质结结构OLED器件。该“三明治”结构有利于OLED器件综合性能的提升,进而得到了广泛的应用。1990年,剑桥大学J. H. Burroughes等人[5]研发出以聚对苯撑乙烯(PPV)为发光材料的聚合物电致发光器件(PLED),为柔性器件的面世打下了基础。

上述OLED和PLED的电致发光均来自于单重态激子的荧光发射,单重态激子仅占电激发激子总量的25%(其余均为三重态激子),因此尽管进行了大量的优化工作,其效率仍然较低。直到1998年,普林斯顿大学Forrest等人[6]研发出过渡金属配合物发光材料:八乙基卟啉铂(II)(PtOEP),过渡金属强烈的自旋轨道耦合作用使得三线态激子能够通过室温磷光发射回到单线态,传统OLED内量子效率低于25%的理论限制得以突破。2012年,Chihaya Adachi等人[7]通过合理的分子设计,使得荧光材料(咔唑基二氰基苯)的三线态激子在吸收热量后能够通过反向系间窜越转变为单线态激子,进而实现了外量子效率超过5%,内量子效率大于25%的具备热活化延迟荧光(TADF)特性的OLED器件。TADF技术的实现,有效抑制了激子的非辐射跃迁,为提高 OLED 的量子效率提供了新的路径。

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