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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 药学 > 正文


 2022-07-06 20:17:09  


摘 要




关键词:奥洛他定 质量研究 鉴别 杂质检查 含量测定

Study on Quality of Olopatadine API


As a peferred Choice of the new generation of anti-allergy drug , olopatadine has a wide range of pharmacological effects that can antagonize the histamine-H1-receptor, inhibiting the release of chemical mediators and tachykinins and has good inhibition of the eosinophil infiltration and no cardiac side effects or depression to the central nervous system which are commom among anti-allergy drugs that antagonize H1-receptor. Currently, olopatadine already has a variety of dosage forms. Olopatadine nsal sprays are commonly used to treat allergic rhinitis, while the eye drops have a good therapeutic effect on the signs and symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. To lay the foundation for the development of quality standards, this study was designed to conduct a comprehensive study on all aspects which are related to the quality control. In this paper, comprehensive quality research with methodological study on the API of olopatadine was organized to establish the methods of the the nature, identification, inspection and the determination of the content and related substances, which are aimed to implement the measures of quality control in the production process.


Key Words: Olopatadine; Study on Quality; Identification; Inspection of Impurities; Determination of Content


摘 要 I


第一章 前言 1

第二章 奥洛他定原料药的性状 3

2.1 外观、臭、味 3

2.2 溶解度 4

第三章 奥洛他定原料药的鉴别方法 6

3.1 化学法 6

3.2 光谱法 6

3.2.1 紫外光谱法 6

3.2.2 红外光谱法 7

3.3 色谱法 7

第四章 奥洛他定原料药的杂质检查 9

4.1 无机杂质的检查 10

4.2 有机杂质和残留溶剂的检查 11

4.2.1 色谱条件选择 11

4.2.2 系统适用性 12

4.2.3 测定结果验证 12

4.2.4 杂质含量分析 13

4.3 GC法测定有机溶剂的残留 14

4.3.1 溶液配制 14

4.3.2 色谱条件选择 14

4.3.3 测定结果验证 14

第五章 奥洛他定原料药的含量测定方法与验证 16

5.1 色谱条件 16

5.2 溶液制备 16

5.3 系统适用性试验 16

5.4 线性关系试验 17

5.5 进样精密度试验 18

5.6 回收率试验 19

5.7 耐用性试验 20

5.8 稳定性试验 20

5.9 重复性试验 21

5.10 样品的测定 21

第六章 结果与讨论 21

6.1 药品质量标准的制定与修改的总原则 22

6.1.1 科学性原则 22

6.1.2 先进性原则 22

6.1.3 规范性原则 22

6.1.4 权威性原则 22

6.2 含量测定方法的制定 23

参考文献 24

致谢 26

第一章 前言

盐酸奥洛他定(Olopatadine Hydrochloride)是一种新型的抗过敏药物[1,2],其化学名为11-[(Z)-3-(二钾胺)丙烷]-6-11-二氢二苯[b.e]庚英-2-乙酸盐{11-[(Z)-3-(Dimethylamino)propylidene]-6-11-dihydrodibenz[b,e]oxepin-2-acetic-

acid hydrochloride },分子式为C21H23NO3·HCl,分子量为374。盐酸奥洛他定的结构式[3]见图1-1

图1-1 盐酸奥洛他定结构式图

奥洛他定是由日本东京协和公司研制,具有十分广泛的抗过敏作用,主要表现在能够拮抗组织胺H1受体和速激肽的释放,以及良好的化学介质(白三烯、凝血激肽、PAF)和嗜酸粒细胞浸润抑制作用[4]等方面。目前常见的奥洛他定有三种剂型,片剂、1%滴眼液和鼻腔喷雾剂。阿洛刻(Allelock)常被用来治疗变应性鼻炎、荨麻疹、皮肤病伴发的瘙痒等[5];帕坦洛(Patanol)—1%滴眼液由爱尔康公司(Alcon Laboratories Ltd.)引入并开发,在过敏性结膜炎的体征和症状的治疗应用方面具有显著效果[6],已于上世纪九十年代中期获FDA批准,广泛地在30多个国家上市;而鼻腔喷雾剂,在季节性变应性鼻炎方面的疗效也已取得广泛认可[7]。而且,奥洛他定并无H1受体拮抗剂类抗过敏药物常见的中枢神经系统抑制及心脏毒副作用[8]



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