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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 药学 > 正文


 2022-03-07 22:18:32  


摘 要


基于研究内容,本文建立了黄芩HPLC分析方法,方法如下:采用了Century SIL C18 BDS色谱柱(5µm,4.6×250mm),0.5%甲酸水-乙腈为流动相,梯度洗脱,流速1.0ml/min,DAD检测器,检测波长190~500nm,显示波长274nm,柱温30℃,进样量20µL。进行方法学验证,结果显示,本文所建立的黄芩液相分析方法,其精密度、稳定性及重现性良好,可以准确反映出各批次黄芩药材及饮片指纹图谱间的细微差异;本研究采用了14批来自不同地区的黄芩,进行HPLC分析,确认了12个共有峰,并建立了黄芩共有模式指纹对照图谱,通过对其相似性分析显示,所建立的对照图谱具有代表性,可以反映不同来黄芩药材及其饮片的物质组成特征。

关键词:黄芩指纹图谱 HPLC

Establishment and Optimization of Fingerprint of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi


Scutellaria is a common Chinese traditional Chinese medicine, with detoxification, calamity and other effects. In this paper, the differences in the quality of Scutellaria baicalensis from different regions and the quality differences of different herbs in different areas were studied. The fingerprints of Scutellaria baicalensis were established, and the differences were evaluated intuitively.

Based on the research contents, the HPLC method of Scutellaria baicalensis was established. The method was as follows: Century SIL C18 BDS column (5μm, 4.6 × 250mm) and 0.5% formic acid water-acetonitrile were used as mobile phase, gradient elution, flow rate 1.0ml / min , DAD detector, detection wavelength 190 ~ 500nm, display wavelength 274nm, column temperature 30 ℃, injection volume 20μL. The results showed that the chromatographic analysis method of Scutellaria baicalensis, which was established in this paper, was accurate, stable and reproducible, and it could accurately reflect the nuances of the fingerprints of Scutellaria baicalensis and Pieces. 14 batches of Scutellaria baicalensis from different regions were used for HPLC analysis, 12 common peaks were confirmed, and fingerprints of Scutellaria baicalensis common pattern were established. The similarity analysis showed that the established control map was representative and could reflect Different material composition of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi and its Pieces.

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 前言 1

1.1 黄芩及其研究概况 1

1.1.1 黄芩概述 1

1.1.2 黄芩的化学成分 1

1.1.3 黄芩的药理及临床应用 2

1.2 黄芩药材的质量评价研究 4

1.2.1 黄芩药材质量研究常用方法 4

1.2.2 自然及人为因素对黄芩质量的影响 5

1.3 立题依据与目的 6

1.3.1 立题依据 6

1.3.2 研究目的及意义 6

第二章 黄芩HPLC指纹分析方法的建立 8

2.1 仪器、药材与试药 8

2.1.1 仪器 8

2.1.2 药材 9

2.1.3 试药 11

2.2 实验药材处理及实验溶液的制备 11

2.2.1 实验药材的处理 11

2.2.2 实验溶液的制备 11

2.3 HPLC色谱条件选择 11

2.3.1 色谱柱 11

2.3.2 检测波长 12

2.3.4 流动相 12

2.3.6 指纹图谱显示波长选定 15

2.3.7 柱温的选择 16

2.3.7 梯度条件的优化 17

第三章 黄芩指纹图谱的建立 23

3.1 指纹图谱技术参数确定 23

3.1.1 空白考察 23

3.1.2 系统适用性考察 23

3.1.3 参照峰的确定 24

3.2 分析方法验证 24

3.2.1 精密度 24

3.2.2 重复性 25

3.2.3 稳定性 25

3.3 黄芩药材指纹图谱的建立 25

第四章 讨论与小结 33

参考文献 34

第一章 前言

1.1 黄芩及其研究概况

1.1.1 黄芩概述

黄芩是我国的一味传统中药材,来源于唇形科植物黄芩(Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi)的干燥根[1]。采挖于春、秋两季,晒干。形状扭曲,似圆锥形,长约7~26cm,直径1~3cm。黄芩性寒味苦,具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒、止血安胎等功效[2]



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