2020-06-28 20:13:39
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
1、毕业论文内容 氯酚类污染物(chlorophenols,cps)是一类具有环境毒性的难降解有机物,这类化合物对人体、动植物、微生物等具有很强的毒性、致癌性及致突变性,即使在低浓度时也会对人体造成危害。
2. 参考文献
[1] Partha S. M. , Gupta S. K. Effect of influent p H and alkalinity on the removal of chlorophenols in sequential anaerobic-aerobic reactors[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(5): 1881-1883. [2] Mansoor A. , Maryam L. Synthesis of amino-modified ordered mesoporous silica as a new nano sorbent for the removal of chlorophenols from aqueous media[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009,150(3): 555-560. [3] Hu J. , Wang L. J. Degradation of chlorophenols in aqueous solution by γ-radiation[J]. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 2007, 76(9): 1489-1492. [4] Zhou T. ,Li Y. Z. , Wong F. S. , et al. Enhanced degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by ultrasound in a new Fen-ton like system (Fe / EDTA) at ambient circumstance[J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2008, 15(5): 782-790. [5] Lu Q. F. , Yu J. , Gao J. Z. Degradation of 2, 4-dichlorophenol by using glow discharge electrolysis[J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2006, 136(3): 526-531. [6] Muriel A. , Youssef F. M. , Craig D. Removal estrogenic activity of natural and synthetic hormones from a municipal wastewater: Efficiency of horseradish peroxidases and laccase from Trametes versicolor[J]. Chemosphere, 2008, 70(3): 445-452. [7] Panneer S. S. , Anil K. , Rita K. An insilco approach to bioremediation: Laccase as a case study[J]. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2008, 26(5): 845-849. [8] Shigeyuki T. , Chiak S. , Kazuko S. Exoenzymes of Trametes versicolor can metabolize coplanar PCB congeners and hydroxy PCB[J]. Chemosphere, 2007, 67(9): 54-57. [9] Vianello F. , Ragusa S. , Cambria M. T. , et al. A high sensitivity amperometric biosensor using laccase as biorecognition element[J]. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2006, 21(11): 2155-2160. [10] Khani Z. , Jolivalt C. , Cretin M. , et al. Alginate/carbon composite beads for laccase and glucose oxidase encapsulation: Application in biofuel cell technology[J]. Biotechnology Letters, 2006, 28(22): 1779-1786. [11] Rogalski J. , Dawidowicz A. , Jozwik E. A. , et al, Immobilization of laccase from cerrena unicolor on controlled porosity glass[J]. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 1999, 6(1-2): 29-39. [12] Zhang J. B. , Xua Z. Q. , Chen H. , et al, Removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol by chitosan-immobilized laccase from Coriolus versicolor[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 45(1): 54-59. [13] 刘晓贞, 李 云, 梁云霄, 等,二氧化硅/壳聚糖大孔复合材料固定化漆酶及其对2,4-二氯苯酚的降解[J]. 高校化学工程学报, 2016, 30(1): 201-209.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
2018.1-2018.2 完成文献检索和开题报告 2018.3-2018.4 建立酶活测定方法,制备载体并进行表征 2018.5-2018.6 漆酶固定化,固定化酶的酶学性 能考察,固定化酶降解2,4-DCP考察 2018.6 数据整理、论文写作和答辩