2022-01-13 20:41:53
摘 要
关键词:益生菌 微胶囊 长双歧杆菌 海藻酸钠
Microencapsulation and effect of Bifidobacterium longus
In today's society, health is the eternal pursuit, so people use probiotic products more. However, most probiotics directly into the body of acid and bile and other adverse environment resistance is weaker, before reaching the point of action, the number of live bacteria has been greatly reduced, which will greatly reduce the utilization rate. In view of this, this topic uses microencapsulation technology, with sodium alginate coated with long Bifidobacterium, the preparation of Microcapsules finished products, the best process of the process, in order to achieve the greatest protection of probiotics.
Through the investigation of a single factor, it is found that: (1) The single factor is the concentration of sodium alginate, when the concentration is 2%, the implantation rate is up to 76.5%, and the number of live bacteria is about 1.9×1010cfu/g. (2) The single factor is the concentration of calcium chloride. When the concentration is 2.5%, the embedding yield is up to 88%, and the viable cell count is about 6.4×108 cfu/g. (3) The single factor is the microporous starch concentration. When the concentration is 4.5%, the embedding yield is up to 45%, and the viable cell count is about 2.2×109 cfu/g. (4) The single factor is the concentration of soybean protein isolate, when the concentration is 5%, the highest rate of embedding is 32%, and the number of live bacteria is about 1.5×109cfu/g. (5) Single factor is immobilized time, when the fixed time is 40min, the maximum embedding rate is 85%, the number of live bacteria is about 3.2×109cfu/g.
After screening the significant factors and optimizing the experimental conditions by Plackett-Burman design and orthogonal design, it was found that the concentration of sodium alginate and microporous starch had a great influence on the entrapment yield, and the optimum process was that the concentration of sodium alginate was 2.5%. The concentration of microporous starch was 4%, the immobilization time was 40 min, the concentration of soybean protein isolate was 4%, and the concentration of calcium chloride was 2%.
Key Words: Probiotics; Microcapsules; Bifidobacterium longum; Sodium alginate
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1引言 1
1.2益生菌的概况 1
1.2.1益生菌的背景及简介 1
1.2.2益生菌的常用菌株 1
1.3长双歧杆菌的介绍 2
1.3.1长双歧杆菌的简介 2
1.3.2长双歧杆菌的作用 2
1.4长双歧杆菌的应用 2
1.4.1双歧杆菌与肝病的治疗 2
1.4.2双歧杆菌与保健饮料的生产 2
1.5长双歧杆菌的前沿研究和隐患 2
1.5.1基因工程与双歧杆菌 2
1.5.2双歧杆菌的复合制剂 3
1.6长双歧杆菌制剂现存的问题 3
1.7微胶囊技术 3
1.7.1微胶囊技术的背景 3
1.7.2微胶囊技术的简介 3
1.7.3微胶囊技术的作用 3
1.8微胶囊技术常用工艺分类及介绍 4
1.8.1制备微胶囊的方法 4
1.8.2微胶囊方法介绍 4
1.9微胶囊技术常用壁材 4
1.10微胶囊技术的应用 5
1.10.1微胶囊技术在医学领域的应用 5
1.10.2微胶囊技术与紫苏油的生产加工 5
1.10.3微胶囊技术与汽车阻燃内饰的生产加工 5
1.11实验研究目的及内容 5
第二章 材料与方法 6
2.1实验仪器和试剂 6
2.1.1实验仪器 6
2.1.2实验试剂 6
2.2实验方法 8
2.2.1菌种来源 8
2.2.2改良MRS培养基的制备 8
2.2.3菌种的活化 8
2.2.4菌种的扩大培养 9
2.2.5菌悬液的制备 9
2.2.6湿菌泥的活菌计数 9
2.2.7微胶囊的制备方法 10
2.2.8包埋效果的测定 13
2.3显著因素的筛选及最佳工艺的确定 13
第三章 结果与分析 14
3.1不同海藻酸钠浓度下实验效果 14
3.2不同氯化钙浓度下实验效果 15
3.3不同微孔淀粉浓度下实验效果 16
3.4不同大豆分离蛋白浓度下实验效果 17
3.5不同固定化时间下实验效果 18
3.6显著因素的筛选及最佳工艺流程的确定 19
3.6.1筛选显著因素 19
3.6.2利用正交试验优化制备工艺 21
第四章 总结与展望 24
4.1总结 24
4.2展望 24
参考文献 26
致谢 28
第一章 文献综述
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