2022-05-12 21:15:55
摘 要
Analysis and market development situation of Cordyceps Marketcerevisiae
Cordyceps sinensis clavicipitaceae Cordyceps fungus parasitic bacterium hepialidae insects larvae in the stroma and larval body complex. Studies have shown that Cordyceps sinensis in the regulation of yin and Yang, tonifying the lung and kidney characteristics, widely used in the treatment of immune, cardiovascular, respiratory and genitourinary digestion disease. In China, Cordyceps because of its special effect on improving human health, medicine and become an increasingly popular tradition; in order to expand the market of Cordyceps sinensis, a Hong Kong health food company in Hongkong Cordyceps Watsons 225 stores sales situation, analyzes the characteristics of Hongkong Cordyceps sales market consumption regions and consumer groups, the study found that the guest port of entry and the flow volume of the regional center city, densely populated areas in Hongkong, Wu Cun resident elderly area has a good market geographical characteristics; second is Hongkong's main Office Area health awareness high population, and there is more demand for older people in their own health, one of the most popular wild Cordyceps, and more from mainland tourists in Hong Kong and the ranks of purchasing Cordyceps consumer characteristics show the majority, consumer groups. The development of Cordyceps sinensis in health care products sales market to make corresponding strategies to provide a theoretical basis for promoting.
Keywords: Cordyceps sinensis; economic value; physiological activity: consumer market status: development
目 录
摘 要 I
目 录 III
第一章 文献综述 4
1.1冬虫夏草概述 4
1.2冬虫夏草的基本性状 4
1.3冬虫夏草的营养物质和生理活性成分 4
1.3.1虫草酸 4
1.3.2虫草多糖 5
1.3.3核苷类 5
1.3.4甾醇类 6
1.3.4 氨基酸和活性肽 7
1.3.6其他(脂肪酸,金属富集) 7
1.4冬虫夏草的药理作用 8
1.4.1对中枢神经系统、呼吸系统、心血管系统、造血系统、内分泌的影响 8
1.4.2抑菌、抗病毒作用 8
1.4.3提高机体免疫力及抗肿瘤作用 8
1.4.4对肾功能的作用 9
1.5保健食品市场现状 9
1.5.1保健食品全球销售市场介绍 9
1.5.2冬虫夏草销售市场介绍 10
1.6本课题研究内容及意义 10
第二章 研究内容 11
2.1研究方案设计 11
2.1.1调查对象 11
2.1.2调查内容 11
2.1.3调查方法 11
2.2内容进展 11
2.2.1 公司产品销售现状 11
2.2.2产品价格基本介绍 12
2.2.3香港特别行政区消费区域特点 14
2.2.4 虫草推广模式的特点 16
2.3结论 18
第三章 展望 19
参考文献 20
致 谢 24
冬虫夏草Cordyceps sinensis(Berk.)Sacc.,又名虫草,属于真菌门(Eumycota)、子囊菌亚门(Ascomycotina)、核菌纲(Pyrenomycetes)、麦角菌科(Clzvicipitcaea)、麦角菌目(Clavicipitales)、虫草属(Cordyceps)[1]。主要分布在中国西藏、青海省为主,四川和云南,韩国部分地区有此菌类。医学研究表明,冬虫夏草具有免疫调节、抗癌、调节内分泌、抗菌、促进造血、抗病毒、护肝以及抗惊厥等生理活性作用[2]。从上世纪初开始,国内外专家、学者就对冬虫夏草展开了广泛而深入的研究,主要是对其生理活性成分,药用价值等方面进行研究。然而其前沿的理论、独特的配方、专属的定位走在了保健食品市场的前端。