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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 生物工程 > 正文


 2022-06-26 23:11:08  


摘 要


由于毕赤酵母高密度发酵植酸酶为胞外分泌表达,因此本文研究了传统的盐析法中硫酸铵浓度对蛋白提取的影响。并进一步利用超滤法在低温下操作,生物活性物质不易失活的特点,探讨超滤法代替盐析法、薄膜蒸发法等传统浓缩植酸酶发酵液的技术可行性,以降低能耗、提高效率。结果表示,盐析法提取蛋白的最适浓度为80%;采用截留分子量为100000 Da的管式超滤膜系统浓缩植酸酶发酵液,其植酸酶的浓缩倍数为2.27倍,浓缩收率为74.52%,截留率为99.90%,系统可以在植酸酶的工艺条件下连续浓缩0.5 h,且经过简单清洗后,膜通量基本恢复。因此用管式超滤膜系统浓缩植酸酶发酵液在技术上可行。


Genetic engineering phytase extraction and purification technology research


Phytase is a kind of new feed additives, can be used for feed in monogastric animal. After adding phytase in feed can save phosphorus resource, reduce feed cost, raise feed utilization and animal production performance; but also can greatly reduce the excretion of phosphorus in animal manure, phosphorus pollution of rivers, water reducing environment, has great economic benefit and good social benefit, ecological benefit. At present, the fermentation production of phytase was mostly by high density fermentation of recombinant Pichia pastoris.

Due to the high density fermentation of Pichia pastoris phytase expression of extracellular secretion, this paper studied the traditional salting ammonium sulfate concentration in the protein extraction impact. And further using the ultrafiltration operation at low temperature, the inactivation of biologically active substances characteristic difficult to explore ultrafiltration instead of salting technical feasibility film evaporation traditional fermentation liquid phytase concentrate, reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency. The results indicated that the optimum concentration of extracted protein salting was 80%; 100000Da molecular weight cutoff using a tubular ultrafiltration membrane system concentrated broth phytase which phytase concentration ratio was 2.27 times, concentrated yield of 74.52%, 99.90% rejection rate, the system can continuously concentrated phytase 0.5 h under the process conditions, and after a simple washing, the membrane flux was recovered. So with tubular ultrafiltration membrane system concentrated phytase broth is technically feasible.

Keywords: Phytase;Salting;Ultra Filtration;Purification;Yield

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 文献综述 2

1.1植酸酶 2

1.1.1植酸及植酸酶的概况 2

1.1.2植酸酶来源 3

1.1.3 植酸酶的应用 3

2.1 酶制剂提纯 4

2.1.1盐沉淀 4

2.1.2膜分离 5

第二章 实验部分 8

2.1实验试剂及仪器 8

2.2 植酸酶的发酵 9

2.2.1培养基的配制 9

2.2.2 植酸酶的发酵 9

2.3溶液的配制 10

2.4标准曲线反应过程 11

2.5盐析提纯 12

2.5.1盐析准备 12

2.5.2盐析 14

2.5.3测量酶活 14

2.6超滤浓缩 15

2.6.1实验目的 15

2.6.2实验过程 15

2.6.3测量酶活并计算 16

第三章 结果与讨论 17

3.1标准曲线数据及结果 17

3.2盐析数据及结果 18

3.3膜过滤数据以及结果 19

第四章 结论及展望 20

4.1结论 20

4.2展望 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

第一章 文献综述



植酸和植酸盐大量存在于植物组织中,以谷类、豆类和油料等作物籽实中量最为丰富,其含量可达1%-3%,占植物总磷的60%-80%,是植物中磷的主要贮存形式[1]。但植酸中的磷不能被直接吸收利用,必须在消化道内先水解为无机磷酸盐。研究表明,单胃动物(猪、鸡、鸭、鹅等)因为缺乏植酸酶而对植酸中磷的利用率很低。同时,植酸通常与二价或三价阳离子,如Ca2 、Zn2 、Fe2 、Mn2 、Cu2 等形成不溶性盐类,阻碍小肠对矿物质的吸收。在酸性或近中性环境中植酸还可以与蛋白质形成络合物,影响蛋白质的吸收利用,与胃蛋白酶、胰凝乳酶、胰蛋白酶等结合,降低消化酶活性。

植酸酶是一个广义概念, 所有能够水解植酸产生无机磷的酶都可以称为植酸酶[2],属磷酸单酯水解酶,可提高动物饲料中磷的利用率,降低动物废物中的磷含量,减少鱼类养殖中磷对水环境的污染,同时能提高蛋白和饲料能量利用率,但是对于植酸酶能发挥多大的作用尚无定论[3-4]


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