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 2022-01-30 16:50:07  


摘 要



关键词:六价铬 复合材料 锆氧化物 吸附

Study on Removal of Cr(VI) in Water by Zirconium-loaded Composites


Chromium metal poses a risk to the environment and human body. In its common existence, hexavalent chromium is highly toxic. Emissions of chromium-containing waste water must first be treated within certain standards. Therefore, it is particularly important to develop a new type of adsorbent with excellent selectivity for Cr(VI).

In this work, Zr-D201 composite adsorbent was prepared by loading zirconium oxide onto macroporous strong basic styrenic anion exchange resin D201 and was used to remove Cr(VI) in water. The effect of Zr-D201 on the adsorption of Cr(VI) in water was investigated by changing conditions such as temperature, initial concentration, pH, competitive ions, and time.The study found that with the increase of temperature, the adsorption of Cr(VI) by Zr-D201 becomes stronger. Under the same conditions, the higher the pH, the smaller the adsorption amount of hexavalent chromium by Zr-D201. Sulfate ion, nitrate ion and chloride anion make the adsorption effect of Cr(VI) on Zr-D201 become worse. Among them, sulfate ion has the most obvious effect, followed by nitrate, and chloride ion has the least influence. The removal rate of the adsorbent increased rapidly at the beginning of 1 h, then slowly increased, finally stabilized, and approached the adsorption equilibrium at 5 h. Zr-D201 has good regeneration effect and can be recycled in the application.

Key Words: Hexavalent chromium; Composite materials; Zirconium oxide; Adsorption


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 Cr的处理方法 1

1.2.1还原沉淀法 1

1.2.2吸附法 2

1.2.3膜分离法 2

1.2.4离子交换法 2

1.3水合氧化锆吸附剂 3

1.3.1水合氧化锆的合成及吸附性能 3

1.3.2基于水合氧化锆的复合吸附剂 3

1.4本课题的提出及研究内容 4

1.4.1课题的提出及意义 4

1.4.2研究的内容 4

第二章 实验材料及方法 5

2.1实验原料及试剂 5

2.2实验仪器及设备 5

2.3实验过程 6

2.3.1 树脂基Zr(IV)氧化物杂化材料的制备 6

2.3.2吸附实验测定方法 6

2.3.3Zr-D201的表征 8

2.3.4吸附等温实验 8

2.3.5pH的影响 8

2.3.6离子强度 8

2.3.7竞争吸附实验 9

2.3.8动力学实验 9

2.3.9静态脱附实验 9

第三章 结果与分析 11

3.1材料的表征 11

3.2等温吸附实验 11

3.3 pH的影响 13

3.4离子强度的影响 14

3.5竞争离子对吸附的影响 15

3.6吸附动力学 16

3.7脱附再生实验 17

第四章 结论 20

参考文献 21

致谢 24

第一章 绪论




在自然界中,金属铬在能以多种形态存在,常见化合价主要有2、3、6。其中,三价铬和六价铬在废水中比较常见,存在形式不同毒性也就不同,Cr(VI)的细胞穿透性强所以毒性更大,但在满足一定条件时,三价铬会转化成六价铬。六价铬对植物、动物均有致突变、致癌的作用,它的氧化能力强,迁移速度快,在水中的溶解性也较强,进入人体后可大量富集,富集到一定程度后会影响细胞的正常氧化还原反应甚至对呼吸道、消化道以及肝脏、肾脏等器官都造成较大危害。因此,六价铬被国际抗癌研究中心列为具有明显致癌物[3]。我国环保部们也将其列为一类污染物,并以严格的标准控制其排放,饮用水中铬的最高允许含量为0.05 mg/ L,工业Cr(VI)排放限值小于0.10 mg/ L[4]。因此,迫切需要开发出一种能有效并大量的去除废水六价铬的方法[5]

1.2 Cr的处理方法


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