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 2022-03-09 20:57:19  


摘 要



关键词:生活污水 倒置A2/O工艺 污泥

Design of sewage treatment process in C Town


This design is designed for the wastewater treatment plant in C town of subei city, which is the processing scale of 7000m3/d, the main pollutant is BOD5, CODcr, SS, NH3-N, TP.Combining the water quality characteristics of the sewage source, the main process of this design is to reverse A2/O processing technology.This process has a lack of oxygen prefacing, the system denitrification efficiency and high speed, good function of removing BOD and COD, denitrification effect and phosphorus removalis effect is good. The discharge standard of "municipal sewage plant pollutant discharge standard" (gb18918-2002) shall be fully handled. The treated water is discharged into the water body. Design contents: selection of treatment scheme, design and calculation of main structures, design calculation of sludge treatment system, general layout of sewage treatment plant ( elevation, plane ).

The design of the sewage process is: domestic sewage → middle grille → sewage pumping station → fine grille → desilting basin → primary sedimentation tank → inverted A2/O reaction tank → secondary sedimentation tank → contact disinfecting pool.The sludge treatment process is the Surplus sludge → gravity concentration → mechanical dewatering → transportation outside. In this design, the grille and fine grille are used as a dual-purpose one, with the high chain grate bar; The sewage pump room is combined construction type; The desilting basin is composed of two sets of horizontal flow type grit chamber, with a length of 9m and a basin width of 1.95 m, the pool is 2.19 m and the effective water depth is 0.9 m;The initial sedimentation tank is horizontal flow early sedimentation tank, totaling five, the total height is 9.86, the length is 36m, the total width of sedimentation area is 30m. The inverted A2/O reaction tank is two: anoxic zone volume 2843.8 m3, anaerobic area volume 2843.8 m3, aerobic area volume 12323 m3. The secondary sedimentation tank adopts radial secondary sedimentation tank, totaling two, the diameter is 37m, the effective water depth is 4.1m, the total volume of single tank sludge is 333.59 m3;The contact pool is a five - corridor type advection contact pool, with a total width of 45m, length 14m, height 4m, and effective depth of 3m. The effective volume of the sludge concentration tank is 139.8 m3, and the single pool diameter is 6.89 m, and the total height of the enrichment pond pool is 5.19 m, totaling two; The size of the mud storage tank is: l × b × h = 3m × 2m × 5.19 m.

Key Words: domestic sewage;Inverted A2/O process;sludge


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1 设计原始资料 1

1.1.1 设计规模 1

1.1.2 城市自然状况 1

1.1.3 污水水质 1

1.2 设计任务 1

1.2.1 设计要求 1

第二章 处理方案比选 3

2.1 工艺流程的比较与选择 3

2.1.1 A2/O工艺 3

2.1.2 SBR工艺 3

2.1.3 倒置A2/O工艺 3

2.2 工艺流程 5

第三章 污水处理系统的设计与计算 6

3.1 进水闸井的设计 6

3.1.1 污水厂进水管 6

3.2 格栅的设计计算以及提升泵的选用 7

3.2.1 泵前中格栅的设计 7

3.2.2 提升泵的设计 13

3.2.3 泵后细格栅的设计 14

3.3 沉砂池的设计和计算 19

3.3.1 沉砂池的选择 19

3.3.2 沉砂池的设计 19

3.4 初沉池的设计和计算 23

3.4.1 沉淀池的选择 23

3.4.2 初沉池的设计 23

3.5倒置A2/O反应池 28

3.5.1 倒置A2/O反应池的设计 28

3.5.2反应池进出水设计 33

3.5.3曝气系统设计 35

3.6 二沉池 41

3.6.1 沉淀池的类型与选择 41

3.6.2 辐流式二沉池的设计计算 41

3.6.3 污泥回流泵房 45

3.6.4 二沉池的进出水设计 46

3.7接触消毒池 49

3.7.1消毒剂的选择 49

3.7.2接触池的设计参数 49

3.7.3接触池的设计计算 50

3.7.4加氯量计算 51

第四章 污泥处理系统的设计计算 52

4.1工艺流程的选择 52

4.2浓缩池设计 52

4.3污泥脱水系统设计 56

4.3.1设计计算 56

第五章 污水处理厂总体布置 58

5.1污水处理厂的平面布置 58

5.2污水厂的高程布置 58

5.2.1污水处理系统高程计算 58

5.2.2 污泥处理系统高程计算 62

第六章 泵房的设计 63

6.1 污水提升泵房的布置 63

6.1.1 泵房的平面布置 63

6.1.2 泵站的高程布置 63

6.2 剩余污泥提升泵房 63

6.3 污水处理厂附属建筑及其尺寸 64

参考文献 65

致谢 66

第一章 工程概况

1.1 设计原始资料

1.1.1 设计规模


1.1.2 城市自然状况




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