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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 海洋工程类 > 船舶与海洋工程 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:15:52  


摘 要




At first, this paper analyzed from three aspects: the Yangtze river - the canal intersection traffic over the waters of the environment, are the Yangtze river, canal intersection waters navigation area, Yangtze river waters - canal intersection traffic conditions and natural conditions, through the research of the Yangtze river, canal intersection water vessel traffic control two aspects (rules of the road and traffic control) analysis of the Yangtze river waters - canal intersection safety management status, and according to three quarters of the Yangtze river for 2019 years ago - danger of canal intersection waters, explore influence of the Yangtze river waters - canal intersection safety management status quo of various risk factors. This article draws on domestic and foreign experience in water traffic safety management, the current situation of safety management of the Yangtze river waters - canal intersection analysis of characteristics of vessel traffic control, navigation environment, the water traffic safety management and so on carries on the research, from the policy, the wisdom of maritime, protect the environment, vessel traffic control and cultural aspects of targeted put forward the perfect Suggestions along the Yangtze river waters - canal intersection safety management. The research results are of reference value for strengthening the safety management of the waters at the intersection of the Yangtze river and the canal, deepening the Marine culture, ensuring the navigation safety and the environment of the waters, and maintaining the order of navigation.

Key words: ship traffic control, intersection waters, safety management

目 录

第1章 绪论 6

1.1研究背景和意义 6

1.1.1研究背景 6

1.1.2研究意义 6

1.2研究思路与研究方法 7

1.2.1研究思路 7

1.2.2研究方法 7

第2章 国内外研究现状 8

2.1国外研究现状 8

2.2国内研究现状 8

第3章 长江-运河交汇水域交通环境分析 10

3.1长江-运河交汇水域的航行水域分析 10

3.2长江-运河交汇水域的自然条件分析 11

3.3长江-运河交汇水域的交通条件分析 12

第4章 长江-运河交汇水域安全管理现状分析 14

4.1长江-运河交汇水域的交通规则 14

4.2长江-运河交汇水域的交通控制 14

4.3 2019年前三个季度长江-运河交汇水域的险情情况分析 15

第5章 长江-运河交汇水域安全保障措施和建议 17

5.1加强政策支持 17

5.2生态优先,绿色发展 17

5.3智慧海事理念和安全监管科技手段 18

5.4针对在重点水域中船舶通航的建议 18

5.5针对重点船舶和船员的建议 19

第6章 结论 21

参考文献 22

致谢 23

第1章 绪论




图1.1 长江-运河交汇水域




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