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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-06-23 20:08:52  


摘 要

农民工是我国工业化和城市化进程中出现的庞大而特殊的社会群体,他们同时肩负着建设城市和繁荣农村的双重任务。但我国农民工在为国家发展做出重大贡献的同时,他们的社会保障权益却普遍受损,成为城市劳动力市场上的弱势群体、城市社会的“边缘人”, 和谐社会背景下农民工的社会保障问题日益凸显。因此,如何搞好农民工的社会保障工作,保护农民工的权益,维护社会稳定和保证改革能顺利进行,就成为政府和社会所迫切需要解决的问题。


关键词:农民工 社会保障 问题 对策

The study on social security for migrant workers


Migrant workers are huge and special groups emerged in the process of industrialization and urbanization in our country, they bear those tasks that bulid up our cities and enrich the countryside. Migrant workers make a great contribution to national development ,but at the same time, their social security rights and interests is generally damaged. Migrant workers become vulnerable groups in urban labor market, and"the marginal people"of the city, social security for migrant workers has become an increasingly important topic under the background of of a harmonious society. Therefore,how to do a good job on social security for migrant workers,protect the rights and interests of migrant workers and maintain social stability and guarantee the harmony of reform become an urgent problem to be resolved for the government and society.

In this paper, on the basis of previous research and practical experience, expounds the necessity and realistic significance to establish social security system for migrant workers, and then analyzes the problems of social security for migrant workers and discusses the reasons for the lack of social security in many aspects such as economic interests, ideological understanding, system, rules and regulations and management executive.Finally, researches the thinking and countermeasures about how to solve the social security for migrant workers, put forward some countermeasures such as change idea, innovation and improvement the social security system of migrant workers, implement employment promotion policy and actively play the role of government and so on.

Key Words: Migrant Workers;Social Security; Problemsproblemsproblems; Countermeasures

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

引 言 1

一、农民工社会保障问题概述 2

(一) 农民工的概念与特征 2

(二) 农民工社会保障的内涵 2

(三) 农民工社会保障的必要性及现实意义 3

二、农民工社会保障的问题与原因分析 6

(一) 农民工社会保障存在的问题 6

1. 农民工社会保障资金不足 6

2. 农民工社会保障体系不完善 6

3. 农民工合法权益受侵害 8

4. 单一化的保障供给已不适合农民工二次分化后多样性的保障需求 9

(二) 农民工社会保障缺失的原因 9

1. 经济利益上的原因 9

2. 思想观念及认识上的原因 10

3. 农民工自身因素的限制 11

4. 体制上的原因 11

5. 法律规章、制度上的原因 11

6. 执行和管理上的原因 12

三、解决农民工社会保障问题的思路与对策 13

(一) 转变思想观念, 正确认识和对待农民工 13

(二) 农民工社会保障制度的创新与完善 13

1. 完善农民工社会保障体系 13

2. 建立农村社会保障制度 15

3. 加速推进城乡户籍制度和农村土地经营权流转制度的改革 16

4. 制定农民工社会保障异地转移管理制度与办法 16

5. 深化农民工教育制度改革 17

6. 建立健全的劳动合同制度 17

7. 建立农民工欠薪救济制度的长效机制 17

(三) 实施农民工就业促进政策 18

(四) 积极发挥政府的作用 18

结束语 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 23

引 言

农民工是我国制度变迁与社会转型期间出现的特殊群体,这个群体的出现并迅速走向大规模化,是中国经济、社会持续发展进步的一个非常重要的标志。农民工进城务工,协调了城乡关系,加快了城镇服务业的发展,便利了城市居民的生活,为当地创造了大量财富和税收,促进了城市经济和社会的繁荣。应该说, 农民工为城镇的发展和建设作出了重大贡献。


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