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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 行政管理 > 正文


 2022-05-22 21:09:39  


摘 要




关键词:非营利组织 企业 合作 风险

The study on risk of cooperation between Nonprofit Organizations and Enterprises as well as taking methods to prevent it

Since the second half of last century, nonprofit organizations play a more and more important role in the world economy and social life. It has deeply affected and changed the world. Nonprofit organizations can not only provide public benefits, while playing an important role in promoting economic development and maintaining social stability.Through the cooperation with enterprises, Nonprofit organizations can solve these problems to some extent.However, in recent years, nonprofits face shrinking donations, such as survival pressure of increasing operate costs, people expect of it services is increasing. At the same time, enterprises also want to cooperate with nonprofit organizations to improve the corporate image,This is good for the long-term development of enterprises.

Since they are totally different organizations, there will be many problems and risks if any part’s benefit is not balanced well. This requires the partner selection carefully before cooperation. In order to promote better cooperation, consider the possible risk in the process of cooperation, and take effective measures to prevent risks

The paper is divided into five parts: The first part introduces reasons for choosing the topic so as to understand the purpose. The second part is the definition of related concepts. The third part is the analysis of Motivation and ways of cooperation from the angles of nonprofit organizations and enterprises. The fourth part discusses with examples the risk of non profit organization and enterprise may be brought in the cooperation. The fifth part aimed at the risks and then proposes measures to avoid them, to maximize the benefits of cooperation.

Key Words: Nonprofit organization; Enterprise; Cooperation; Risk


摘要 I

Abstract II

绪论 1

一、相关概念的界定 2

(一)非营利组织 2

1.非营利组织的概念 2

2.非营利组织的特征 2

(二)非营利组织与企业合作 2

二、非营利组织与企业合作的动因及方式 4

(一)合作动因 4

1.非营利组织角度 4

2.企业角度 4

(二)合作方式 4

1.赞助 4

2.公司慈善与公司基金 5

3.与业务关联的公益推广活动 5

4.共同主题营销 5

三、非营利组织与企业合作的风险 6

(一)信任危机 6

(二)使命危机 6

(三)独立性危机 7

(四)捐款危机 7

四、非营利组织与企业合作风险的防范 8

(一)慎重选择合作伙伴 8

(二)加强自身能力 9

(三)加强风险意识,树立应对风险机制 10

(四)加强与其他非营利组织合作 10

(五)建设企业文化,履行企业社会责任 11

(六)制定相关法律进行规范 11

(七)加强外部监督 12

结束语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 18




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