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 2022-05-10 20:21:52  


摘 要


关键词:文化资本 大学生适应 社交焦虑 资本积累

To study the college students based on the view of cultural capital


In today's society, the college students on campus, the negative news is increasing, so the adaptation problem of the college students need sufficient to cause the social from all walks of life and the attention of the public opinion. Just enter the university campus in college students by using various measures and ways to adjust their psychological condition and behavior habits, so that we can let them learn in school life and interpersonal aspects in balance, let them by adapting to gradually develop a healthy way of life at university. After entering university, the university life environment, education mode and social environment have taken place in the larger changes, these changes may be opportunities for college freshmen may be challenges, so college students to adapt to the problems faced with many grave one's deceased father grind. Through a variety of studies have shown that college students' adaptability and the accumulation of cultural capital of the intimate contact, people based on the research results of this article before, first by interpreting the connotation of cultural capital to express cultural capital and college students to adapt to the relationship, then the perspective of cultural capital analysis and study the significance of college students' adaptability, and sums up the college students due to maladjustment of various phenomenon, mainly through the cultural capital factors, the author analyzes the reasons of college students maladjustment problems, finally, aiming at some of the college students to adapt to the problems put forward relevant countermeasures.

Key Words:Cultural capital;Adaptation of College Students;Social anxiety;Capital accumulation


中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引言 1

一、文化资本的基本理论 2

(一)与文化资本相关的核心概念 2

1.文化资本的概念 2

2.文化资本的存在形式 3

(二)文化资本的功能分析 3

1.关于学校教育方面的功能 3

2.关于社会再生产方面的功能 4

二、大学生适应现状及困境 5

(一)大学生适应的现状 5

(二)大学生适应不良的现象 5

1.专业成绩下降 5

2.情感认知障碍 6

3.人际关系紧张 7

三、文化资本积累对大学生适应的重要意义 8

(一)文化资本影响大学生学业成绩 8

(二)文化资本有助于大学生人际交往 8

(三)文化资本促进大学生人生就业规划 9

四、基于文化资本视角:大学生适应不良的应对策略 11

(一)培养良好的家庭客观文化资本 11

(二)充分发挥义务教育主导作用 11

(三)重视校园人文素质教育 12

结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 16


中国的大学生作为一个群体,历来都是社会所关注的焦点 ,特别是大学生在校的心理健康状况,不仅关系到学生个人的长远发展,甚至关联着数万户家庭乃至整个社会的安定与和谐。大学阶段是大学生必须要度过的一个关键的时期,大学生进入校园后要面临着很多的适应性问题,例如:学习问题、人际交往问题、情感困扰、未来人生选择等一系列问题。而文化资本理论说明了资本继承性的最佳途径是通过家庭所传递的,家庭教育是一种具有资本继承性的最佳的方式,是一种非常有意义的教育投资,因此文化资本与大学生适应问题之间存在着一种相互影响、相辅相成的关系,基于文化资本的视角研究大学生适应性问题具有非常重要的意义。


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