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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 化学工程与工艺 > 正文


 2022-05-10 20:21:59  


摘 要


结果表明,实验设备运行0.5 h后膜管通量开始稳定,随着温度的增加,膜通量与固含量增加而浊度截留率下降,最适温度为38℃。跨膜压差为5 bar时通量最大,跨膜压差的变化对于浊度截留率和固含量的影响不大。当膜面流速大于3 m/s时,膜通量趋于稳定。膜面流速对于浊度截留率的影响不大,固含量随着膜面流速的增加而增加。随着药品浓缩倍数的增加,膜通量随之下降,当浓缩倍数为4时,膜通量趋于稳定。

根据湖北某公司提供的清洗方式,我们在此基础上做了清洗研究,得出以下结论:单步化学清洗的膜通量恢复率太小,最后确定使用2 % NaOH清洗后,再用1 % NaClO清洗,清洗时间共30 min,膜管的纯水通量恢复达到55%左右,且重复性较好,可以进行有效清洗。

关键词:陶瓷膜 苦荞黄酮 膜通量 膜清洗

Application of the ceramic membrane technology in the extract of tartary buckwheat flavone


In this paper, inorganic ceramic membrane was applied to separate and purify tartary buckwheat flavone .On account of the reason that Inorganic membrane, developed very rapidly, has the features of anti-high temperature, anti-chemical corrosion, high mechanical strength, high anti-micro-organism, large seepage discharge, high cleaning property, narrow pore distribution, good separating property and long service life etc. It has played a key role in some important fields, such as energy sources, resource and human health etc. Studying the influence of operating temperature, transmembrane pressure, cross-flow velocity and concentration multiple, which were optimized by single-factor experiment, to the flux, turbidity rejection, solid content and flavonoid content.

The experiment results show that the flux became stable after the experimental equipment running for 0.5 h. With the increase of temperature, the flux and solid content augment but turbidity rejection is descending. 38 ℃ is optimum. The flux is max, When transmembrane pressure is 5 bar. And transmembrane pressure has little influence on turbidity rejection and solid content. When cross-flow velocity is bigger than 3m/s, the flux is to be stable. Cross-flow velocity has little influence on turbidity rejection and is proportional to solid content. With the increase of concentration multiple,the flux is descending。When concentration multiple is up to 4, the flux is stable.

According to the way of cleaning provided by company, we have made some researches on it. Main conclusions were as follows. The recovery rate of membrane flux was too small using single step chemical cleaning. The method adopted included two steps. The ceramic membrane was firstly cleaned by the solution of 2 % NaOH, and then cleaned by the solution of 1 % NaClO, the cleaning time was about 30min. The cleaning method made the recovery rate of membrane flux reach 55 %, and showed good reproducibility. So the cleaning may be effectively .

KEYWORDS:Ceramic membrane;Tartary buckwheat flavone ;membrane flux;Membrane cleaning

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.前言 1

1.1陶瓷膜的特性 2

1.2多孔膜简介 2

1.3陶瓷膜的分离原理[4] 3

1.4陶瓷膜技术的应用 4

1.4.1在水处理中的应用 6

1.4.2在食品工业中的应用[10,11] 6

1.4.3在气固分离方面的应用[11,12] 6

1.4.4在制药工程中的应用[14] 7

1.5苦荞黄酮类化合物分布及现状 8

1.5.1 品种 8

1.5.2 成熟度与器官 8

1.5.3生物合成 9

1.6黄酮类化合物的提取方法 9

1.6.1大孔树脂 9

1.6.2高速离心法[22] 9

1.6.3膜分离法 10

1.7 实验目的与内容 10

第二章 实验设计 12

2.1陶瓷膜应用于苦荞黄酮提取液的研究 12

2.1.1膜组件 12

2.1.2苦荞黄酮提取液 12

2.1.3实验装置 12

2.1.4 实验流程 13

2.1.5性能测试 13

第三章 实验结果与讨论 15

3.1操作温度对膜通量及截留效果的影响 15

3.1.1操作温度对膜通量的影响 15

3.1.2操作温度对浊度截留率与固含量的影响 16

3.1.3操作温度对黄酮含量的影响 16

3.2 跨膜压差对膜通量及截留效果的影响 17

3.2.1跨膜压差对膜通量的影响 17

3.2.2 跨膜压差对浊度截留率和固含量的影响 18

3.2.3 跨膜压差对黄酮含量的影响 19

3.3.膜面流速对通量及截留效果的影响 20

3.3.1膜面流速对膜通量的影响 20

3.3.2 膜面流速对浊度截留率和固含量的影响 20

3.3.3膜面流速对黄酮含量的影响 21

3.4浓缩倍数对膜通量及黄酮含量的影响 22

第四章 结论与展望 24

4.1 结论 24

4.2 展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 27

第一章 绪论


陶瓷膜(ceramic membrane)又称无机陶瓷膜,是以无机陶瓷材料经特殊工艺制备而形成的非对称膜。请注意,“CT膜”并非陶瓷膜的别名,该称谓实为非专业人士对陶瓷膜英文简称的一种错误表述。陶瓷膜管壁密布微孔,在压力作用下,原料液在膜管内或膜外侧流动,小分子物质(或液体)透过膜,大分子物质(或固体)被膜截留,从而达到分离、浓缩、纯化和环保等目的。陶瓷膜具有分离效率高、效果稳定、化学稳定性好、耐酸碱、耐有机溶剂、耐菌、耐高温、抗污染、机械强度高、再生性能好、分离过程简单、能耗低、操作维护简便、使用寿命长等众多优势,已经成功应用于食品、饮料、植(药)物深加工、生物医药、发酵、精细化工等众多领域,可用于工艺过程中的分离、澄清、纯化、浓缩、除菌、除盐等。


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