2022-05-09 23:40:00
摘 要
关键词:南京市 政府信用体系 信用缺失
The study on social credit system construction of Nanjing
With the development of the expansion of China's opening up and the socialist market economy, all kinds of cultural idea exchange increasingly frequent, some unhealthy and incorrect ideal trend make different impact on people's thought, makes the lack of honesty and credit problem in social life become increasingly prominent, harm the healthy development of the economic and the overall progress of society. The 18th CPC National Congress has proposed that strengthen government affairs integrity, business integrity social integrity and judicial integrity", has been beyond the traditional credit concept category of financial, business, risk management and other fields, which become a comprehensive concept involves the entire society, social credit system is a comprehensive social management mechanism for the moral integrity, social order, the social comprehensive management mechanism of economic, which is related to people's livelihood, covering the economic development and social management in all areas and at all levels of system engineering.
In this paper, on the basis of previous research and practical experience, analysis of the research background and the overall goal of the development of social credit system in Nanjing City, expounds the progress of the social credit system and achievement of Nanjing, and take some measures to consolidate this practice in recent years. Finally by the analysis of the problem of Nanjing social credit system to put forward a better credit environment.
Key Words: Nanjing city; social credit system; the lack of credit
摘要 I
Abstract II
目录 III
一、绪论 1
(一)研究背景和意义 1
1.研究背景 1
2.意义 1
(二)文献综述 2
1.国外相关文献评述 2
2.国内相关文献评述 2
二、社会信用建设理论的内涵 4
(一)与信用体系建设相关概念 4
1.信用概念 4
2.社会信用体系概念 4
(二)社会信用体系建设概述 5
1.社会信用体系的特征 5
2.社会信用体系的内涵与本质 5
(三)社会信用体系建设的作用 6
1.推动信用评级市场健康发展 6
2.促进征信体系建设 7
3.完善地方金融改革范畴 8
三、南京市政府信用建设的背景与现状分析 9
(一)背景与现状 9
(二)政府信用体系存在的问题 10
1.法规体系建设不健全 10
2.缺乏有目的的规划 10
3.基础设施建设不完善,信用信息共享机制尚未建立 10
3.人才培养机制不完善,信用管理人才匮乏 11
(三)构建政府信用的必要性 11
1.提升信用理念,营造诚信氛围 11
2.转变政府职能,建设有限政府 11
3.坚持依法行政,实现政务公开 12
4.加强政风建设 务求廉洁高效 12
5.强化政府监督 完善奖惩机制 12
四、南京市政府信用体系存在的不足分析 13
(一)行为信用缺失 13
1.现有政府绩效评价模式不科学 13
2.政府官员不同程度的人治观念和权力本位思想 13
3.政府人员诚信道德教育长期以来未得到应有的重视 13
(二)政策信用缺失 14
1.政策朝令夕改,缺乏连续性和稳定性 14
2.决策过程暗地做出 缺乏科学性 14
3.公共权力的异化 14
五、南京政府信用建设体系的改革与完善 16
(一)完善监管体系 16
(二)建立失信惩戒机制,加大对失信的管理 16
(三)健全地方性信用法律法规 16
(四)建立健全信用思想教育体系 17
结束语 18
参考文献 19
致谢 21