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 2020-04-23 20:12:24  

摘 要









关键词:科幻电影 数据挖掘 电影票房

Analysis of Box Office Factors of Science Fiction Movies Based on Data Mining


Since the 21st century, the sci-fi movie market has shown great vitality in China, but the basics appearing in the market are Hollywood sci-fi movies,.There are few domestic sci-fi movies. Therefore, the use of data mining tools to analyze the box office factors of science fiction movies has become a top priority.

This article will find out their advantages from the high-quality science fiction movies of the past two decades, and make their own suggestions for improving the movie box office of Chinese science fiction movies and the future development of Chinese science fiction movies.

The first chapter introduces the background of the topic selection and the current development of global science fiction film.

The second chapter introduces the definition of the current science fiction film, and analyzes the research status of improving the box office of the movie at home and abroad.

The third chapter mainly introduces the development process of science fiction movies at home and abroad, the comparison of domestic and foreign science fiction movie box office and the current development status of science fiction movies.

The fourth chapter mainly introduces the film review as the reason for the analysis of the box office factor of sci-fi movies, and will use Python as the main tool for word cloud analysis. This chapter describes in detail the process of film selection and the process of word cloud analysis.

The fifth chapter analyzes the results of the word cloud analysis in the fourth chapter and the current environment, special effects and other factors, and provides suggestions for the production process of domestic science fiction movies.

The sixth chapter, as part of the conclusion of this paper, mainly introduces the work done in this paper and summarizes it based on the results of word cloud analysis.

Key Words: Science fiction movie ;Data mining ;Movie box office

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景与意义 1

1.2主要研究内容 2

第二章 科幻电影的理论研究 3

2.1科幻电影的定义与特征 3

2.2科幻电影的国内外研究现状 3

第三章 科幻电影的发展现状分析 9

3.1国内外科幻电影发展历程 9

3.2 国内外科幻电影票房的对比分析 10

3.3全球科幻电影发展的现状对比分析 11

第四章 基于影评的科幻电影数据挖掘分析 13

4.1 数据挖掘技术介绍 13

4.1.1 选取电影影评作为分析科幻电影指针的原因 13

4.1.2数据挖掘采用工具以及工具介绍 13

4.2数据挖掘结果分析 14

4.2.1 影评选择过程 14 选择影评的网站因素分析 14 选取影评的因素分析 14

4.2.2 数据挖掘抓取过程 15

4.2.3 数据挖掘抓取结果 17

第五章 科幻电影票房影响因素分析 20

5.1 环境因素分析 20

5.2 特效因素分析 21

5.3 人物形象因素分析 24

5.4 电影类型因素分析 25

第六章 总结与展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

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