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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-04-04 22:07:02  


摘 要


关键词:第三方 电子商务 支付 网络金融

Investigation and Research on the consumers' willingness to use the third party payment platform



With the advent of the Internet era, China's online shopping market continued to expand, turnover also in a stage of rapid growth. E-commerce thus gradually developed, in this process, the position is even more important online payment and became the entire e-commerce transactions in the core areas. But the issue of trust online payment has been great concern, third-party payment for the Internet provides a way to achieve a workable payment.

This paper analyzes the causes and current situation of domestic and foreign third party payment platform emerged, through third-party payment status of research results, and summarize the existing analysis, since many domestic third-party payment platform is not one by one study, we compared three a typical third-party payment platform as a reference, and the use of questionnaires manner profound analysis of third-party payment platform, today the problems raised relative solution as a third party payment platform for the development of reference, in order to achieve third-party payment the rapid development of the platform.

With the advent of the Internet era, China's online shopping market continued to expand, turnover also in a stage of rapid growth. E-commerce thus gradually developed, in this process, the position is even more important online payment and became the entire e-commerce transactions in the core areas. But the issue of trust online payment has been great concern, third-party payment for the Internet provides a way to achieve a workable payment.

This paper analyzes the causes and current situation of domestic and foreign third party payment platform emerged, through third-party payment status of research results, and summarize the existing analysis, since many domestic third-party payment platform is not one by one study, we compared three a typical third-party payment platform as a reference, and the use of questionnaires manner profound analysis of third-party payment platform, today the problems raised relative solution as a third party payment platform for the development of reference, in order to achieve third-party payment the rapid development of the platform.


With the advent of the Internet era, China's online shopping market continued to expand, turnover also in a stage of rapid growth. E-commerce thus gradually developed, in this process, the position is even more important online payment and became the entire e-commerce transactions in the core areas. But the issue of trust online payment has been great concern, third-party payment for the Internet provides a way to achieve a workable payment.

This paper analyzes the causes and current situation of domestic and foreign third party payment platform emerged, through third-party payment status of research results, and summarize the existing analysis, since many domestic third-party payment platform is not one by one study, we compared three a typical third-party payment platform as a reference, and the use of questionnaires manner profound analysis of third-party payment platform, today the problems raised relative solution as a third party payment platform for the development of reference, in order to achieve third-party payment the rapid development of the platform.

Key words: third party;e-commerce;payment;network finance

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外第三方支付平台研究现状 2

1.2.2国内第三方支付平台研究现状 3

1.3研究思路与方法 6

1.3.1研究思路 6

1.3.2研究方法 8

第二章 第三方支付平台的现状分析 9

2.1第三方支付平台发展形势及研究对象界定 9

2.2目前第三方支付平台三巨头的比较 9

2.2.1功能设置比较 10

2.2.2支持银行 11

2.2.3转账功能比较 11

2.2.4安全性能比较 12

第三章 第三方支付平台问卷的调查与统计 13

3.1问卷的设计 13

3.2问卷的发放和回收 13

第四章 基于问卷调查的消费者意愿分析和问题总结 15

4.1消费者意愿分析步骤 15

4.2第三方支付平台消费者意愿特征分析 15

4.2.1消费者年龄分析 15

4.2.2消费者使用理由分析 16

4.2.3消费者心理分析 16

4.2.4消费者拒绝使用理由分析 18

4.3基于消费者意愿结果的问题分析 18

4.3.1安全隐患方面的分析 18

4.3.2独立性方面的分析 19

4.3.3成为资金非法套现和转移工具方面的分析 19

4.3.4安全和信任方面的分析 19

第五章 基于消费者意愿问题分析的对策建议 21

5.1安全隐患问题的对策 21

5.2解决独立性的对策 21

5.3解决成为资金非法套现和转移工具问题的对策 21

5.4解决安全与信任问题的对策 22

第六章 总结与展望 23

参考文献 24

附录 27


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