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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2022-04-02 22:26:56  


摘 要



关键词:营销推广策略 钢铁行业 电子商务网站 找钢网

The design of the steel marketing strategy of e-commerce sites

——Zhaogang website as example


In recent years, due to the international economic downturn, the development of the iron and steel industry is impacted. A large majority of iron and steel enterprises are facing the crisis of going bankrupt in this economic ebb tide. Meanwhile, some large-scale iron and steel enterprises have spent a lot in transforming and upgrading business, in the hope of linking the enterprises with network through conforming to the trend of times. By simulating the operation mode of e-commerce websites of small commodities, iron and steel enterprises conduct e-commerce reform and transfer from the original offline market to online market. In this way, e-commerce website of iron and steel comes into being as the times require.

This thesis takes zhaogang website as the research object and respectively illustrates the marketing and promotion schemes of e-commerce websites and iron and steel e-commerce websites. Combining the situations of zhaogang website with the marketing and promotion background of zhaogang website, this thesis designs a questionnaire and collects opinions of iron and steel procurers on iron and steel e-commerce websites. Together with the analysis of the present marketing and promotion schemes of zhaogang website, this thesis applies theory into practice and figures out improvement schemes for the marketing and promotion of zhaogang website from multiple perspectives. It is expected that this thesis can make a contribution to the successful marketing and promotion of zhaogang website and provide reference to the marketing and promotion of all the iron and steel e-commerce websites.

Key words: The promotional strategies; Steel industry; E-commerce website; Zhaogang website

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 导论 1

1.1论文研究背景 1

1.2 论文研究目的及意义 2

1.3国内外研究综述 2

1.3.1国内研究综述 2

1.3.2国外研究综述 3

1.4论文研究方法与结构 3

1.4.1论文研究方法 3

1.4.2论文研究结构 4

第二章 钢铁电商网站营销推广基础理论 5

2.1电商网站营销推广概述 5

2.1.1电商网站营销推广要素 5

2.1.2电商网站营销推广方式 6

2.2钢铁电商网站营销推广概述 9

2.2.1我国的钢铁电商网站 9

2.2.2钢铁电商网站营销推广方式 10

第三章 找钢网营销推广状况调查与分析 12

3.1找钢网概况 12

3.2找钢网营销推广影响因素分析 13

3.2.1经济状况 13

3.2.2钢铁行业发展情况 14

3.2.3互联网现状 15

3.3钢铁电商网站调查问卷设计、发放与回收 15

3.3.1钢铁电商网站调查问卷设计 15

3.3.2钢铁电商网站调查问卷发放 16

3.3.3钢铁电商网站调查问卷回收与分析 18

第四章 找钢网营销推广策略改进方案分析 26

4.1找钢网现有营销推广策略与问题分析 26

4.1.1找钢模式推广 26

4.1.2胖猫物流推广 27

4.1.3电话邮件营销推广 28

4.2找钢网营销推广策略改进方案 29

4.2.1找钢网营销推广策略改进方案设计思路 29

4.2.2厂商优惠推广 30

4.2.3建立完整的销售—管理—物流体系 31

4.2.4品牌营销推广 32

4.2.5找钢网页优化 33

第五章 结论 36

参考文献 37

附录 39


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