2021-11-08 21:29:09
摘 要
Nowadays, public's spiritual needs are becoming more and more extensive. For more people, tourism has gradually become the choice of leisure and entertainment. The entire tourism industry is showing an upward trend. The rapid development of information technology has made tourism different every day. The combination of tourism and information technology will become its future development trend. In China, group travel is a popular and unique way for traveling, but many domestic travel agencies still operate offline, and their websites are often with simple functions, fixed models which may lead to the lack of competitiveness. How to combine new research results to break through traditional tourism information systems and develop new functions better meet the needs of tourists is a question worthy of consideration.
This thesis is related to a tourism information system developed specially for group travel. After analyzing the development of tourism informatization and the websites of major domestic travel agencies, this thesis develops a tourism system that integrates group travel sales, recommendation, and statistics analysis functions. Although the tourism recommender system is developing rapidly, domestic travel agencies generally lack personalized recommendation function. Therefore, this thesis adopts a cross-hybrid strategy, and merges recommendations based on collaborative filtering and content-based recommendations, then the recommendation result will be shown on the traveler interface. And it’s supposed to solve the problems of cold start and matrix sparseness. Moreover, in order to optimize attribute extraction, we combine traditional TF-IDF algorithm with Word2vec to seek the implicit correlation between the texts of traveling products and improve the accuracy of recommendations. After completing Word2vec training, this thesis crawled the group travel data in ctrip.com for April 2020 to test the model. The results reveal that this model is able to recommend more suitable products to travelers.
This system also has innovations in the design of the management side. From the point view of management insight, in order to facilitate managers to understand the sales and operating status of travel agencies in time, this thesis realizes the statistics and data visualization of product, user and sales data on the front end to help travel managers make timely adjustments to their products. Besides, it also optimizes common functions of travel agencies, such as booking, rating, and information management modules. Finally, we implement the tourism system after analyzing travelers’ requirement.
Key Words:Tourism System; Word2vec; Collaborative Filtering; Recommendation Algorithm
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.3 论文主要内容和结构安排 3
1.4 本章小结 4
第二章 相关研究基础和技术 5
2.1 B/S架构 5
2.2 WEB技术 5
2.3 WEB前端技术 6
2.4 推荐算法 6
2.4.1 基于内容的推荐 6
2.4.2 基于协同过滤的推荐 6
2.4.3 评价指标 8
2.5 Tableau软件 9
2.6 本章小结 9
第三章 需求分析与系统设计 10
3.1 系统需求分析 10
3.1.1 功能需求分析 10
3.1.2 可行性分析 10
3.2 系统设计 12
3.2.1 系统功能结构设计 12
3.2.2 各功能模块详细设计 13
3.3 数据库设计 17
3.3.1 数据库E-R图设计 17
3.3.2 数据库表设计 18
3.4 本章小结 20
第四章 基于旅游产品描述文本的推荐 21
4.1 词向量与语言模型 21
4.1.1 词向量简介 21
4.1.2 神经网络语言模型 21
4.1.3 Camp;W模型 22
4.1.4 Word2vec模型 23
4.2 基于TF-IDF和Word2vec推荐的实验 24
4.2.1 文本预处理 24
4.2.2 基于TF-IDF的旅游产品推荐 26
4.2.3 基于TF-IDF和word2vec的推荐模型 27
4.2.4 实验结果 29
4.3 本章小结 30
第五章 系统实现与测试 31
5.1 前台系统实现 31
5.1.1 前台主页 31
5.1.2 用户注册模块 32
5.1.3 用户登录模块 32
5.1.4 商品模块 33
5.1.5 我的行程模块 34
5.1.6 我的建议模块 36
5.1.7 个性化推荐模块 36
5.2 后台系统实现 37
5.2.1 管理员登录模块 37
5.2.2 信息管理模块 38
5.2.3 数据可视化模块 39
5.3 系统测试 42
5.3.1用例测试 42
5.4 本章小结 45
第六章 研究总结与展望 46
6.1 研究总结 46
6.2 研究展望 46
参考文献 48
致 谢 51
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究目的及意义
近几年随着深度学习(Deep Learning)等信息技术的火爆,越来越多的领域引入了深度学习技术。旅游业的基础是服务,它的日常运营也依赖于技术,作为一个庞大的行业,它需要不断地更新技术,来提高业务流程效率并增加利润。深度学习可以被应用到需求预测、定价策略、个性化推荐、客户体验等方面。很明显,与医疗和银行等行业相比,旅游业对于相关技术的运用并不那么广泛。毫无疑问,深度学习等技术的应用充满着潜力和希望,可以从根本上改变旅游业的商业模式和运作方式。