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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:10:32  

摘 要



本系统使用Visual Studio开发平台以及SQL Server数据库,采用浏览器/服务器架构(B/S架构)来实现系统的各项功能。系统的各项功能旨在能够代替传统的点名及考勤过程,通过信息化的手段来提高课堂点名的效率,减少教师在课堂点名考勤时的工作量,为教师的课堂教学工作提供便利。本文将对课堂随机点名系统的研究意义、研究现状等进行简要描述,然后,对整个系统需求及所用的技术进行分析,再介绍系统的设计、实现和测试的过程。本系统致力于以实际为基石,挖掘出一套可行的开发方案来实现系统的各种功能,然后进行系统的测试,来发现系统的漏洞与不足,进而完善系统,使其达到预期目标与标准。



As information technology’s rapid development, the information age has come. In order to improve the efficiency and effect of teaching and education work and form an informationalized and automatic management system, more and more universities begin to use information technology. As a crucial way for college students to grasp knowledge, face-to-face classroom teaching is a key area of information reform. In order to further boost the efficiency and effect of face-to-face teaching for knowledge transfer, university teachers need to have certain roll call interaction with students from time to time, but this interactive link in the actual operation process in turn takes up the teacher's classroom time and delays the teaching progress. Nowadays, how to develop a practical and efficient classroom random naming system has become a research focus of teaching reform and information application in the field of management.

The research and development of the random name system in the classroom conforms to the development trend of informatization and digitization. Using technology to serve education and teaching, keeping up with the pace of the times, is the objective need for the construction of digital campus. At present, the roll call in the classroom is still based on traditional methods. Teachers need to spend too much time to roll call, which affects the efficiency of teaching work. In addition, teachers need to record and sort the roll call. The traditional method of roll call is inefficient and error-prone. On the one hand, the classroom random roll call system can help teachers to carry out information management of students and course information, reduce the workload of teachers; on the other hand, it can provide teachers with classroom voice roll call function, instead of the traditional manual roll call method, improve classroom interaction and attendance. effectiveness. At the same time, based on the functions of student, course information entry, query and statistics, and roll call, the classroom random roll call system can also perform attendance statistics on the roll call results, and provide teachers with the function of exporting statistical results, which can be The interactive attendance link provides convenience.

This system uses Visual Studio development platform and SQL Server database, and uses browser/server architecture (B/S architecture) to realize various functions of the system. The various functions of the system are designed to replace the traditional roll-call and attendance processes, improve the efficiency of classroom roll-calling through informational methods, reduce the workload of teachers during roll-call attendance, and provide convenience for teachers' classroom teaching. This article will briefly describe the research significance and research status of the random name system in the classroom, and then analyze the requirements of the entire system and the technology used, and then introduce the process of system design, implementation and testing. This system is committed to taking reality as the cornerstone, digging out a set of feasible development schemes to realize various functions of the system, and then conducting system tests to discover the vulnerabilities and deficiencies of the system, and then improve the system to achieve the expected goals and standards .

Key Words:Random roll call; Attendance; College classroom; Information system

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 IV

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景与选题意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外研究现状 1

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.3 研究内容 2

第2章 系统分析 4

2.1 系统架构和相关技术 4

2.1.1 B/S模式 4

2.1.2 ASP.NET技术 4

2.1.3 SQL Server 2014 5

2.2 系统需求分析 5

2.2.1 系统功能性需求 5

2.2.2 系统非功能性需求 6

2.3 业务流程分析 7

2.4 数据流程分析 12

2.5 数据字典 14

2.6 可行性分析 15

第3章 系统设计 16

3.1 系统设计的原则 16

3.2 功能模块设计 16

3.3 编码设计 18

3.4 数据库设计 18

3.4.1 数据库概念结构设计 18

3.4.2 数据库逻辑结构设计 20

3.5 界面设计 22

3.5.1 登陆界面设计 22

3.5.2 输入界面设计 23

3.5.3 输出界面设计 25

3.6 系统安全设计 28

第4章 系统实施 29

4.1 实施计划 29

4.2 系统关键技术和代码举例 29

4.3 系统测试 33

4.3.1 系统测试的目的和方法 33

4.3.2 系统测试的主要内容 33

第5章 总结与展望 34

5.1 总结 34

5.2 展望 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 36




在教育教学的改革进程中,信息技术是作为一种改革工具而出现的,把握住相关的技术是必然要求。近年来,借助于多媒体的教学方式在高校大有作为,并日益发展为教学方式的主力军。目前的高校上课大多采用多媒体的教学方式,教室都配以电脑、音响、投影仪等设备,这使教学工作信息化的发展具备条件。把握住信息技术的意义, 实现其在实际教学当中的应用,提高面授课堂教学的效率、效果,突破当今面授课堂教学的难点,改革目前教学的方式、内容、观念,是一个极为重要、迫在眉睫的课题。

学生在上面授课程之前的考勤是必不可少的环节,教师需要借助于点名来了解学生的出勤情况,同时,在上课过程中,教师也需要通过点名来与学生进行一定的互动,进而了解学生对于知识掌握的情况以及提高学生上课的注意力。临近期末,教师大多根据学生学期内的出勤情况、课堂中跟老师互动的频率以及互动时的表现来计算出学生这门课程的平时成绩。目前高校教师在正式上课前点名一般采用全点或者抽点的方式。全部点名的方式会真实反映并记录学生的出勤情况,有着较强的说服力, 然而这种方式将会耗费大量的时间,有些高校课程的学生人数相当庞大,如果教师每节课都使用花名册逐个的点名,毋庸置疑会严重拖延课程的进度。抽取部分学生进行点名的方式会减少教师的工作量,节约点名占用课堂的时间,但这将或多或少带了一些主观上的因素,如教师对哪几个字比较敏感或者花名册的哪个位置比较敏感,最终造成学生被抽到的概率不一样,不公平。

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