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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-11-06 23:21:56  

摘 要


本文以近年来迅速发展的乡村旅游为研究视角,以各大主流旅游网站为基础,获取原始数据并进行预处理。然后统计评论发布量数据和景区数据,绘制出月度指数均值分布图和空间分布图,对乡村旅游的季节性特征和空间分布进行分析。利用ROST CM6软件中的社交网络和语义网络分析功能分别提取旅游资源正面评价和负面评价的高频词,并进行聚类分析以进一步挖掘评论文本中的语义关系。最后使用情感词典分析捕获的客户评论。同时,增加了定量分析,并计算出每条评论中的高频词得分。将总分加起来后,对高频情感词进行分析,得出游客对乡村旅游景点的高频情感词,从而得出游客的情感倾向。




With the rise of social networks, the era of big data has arrived. Hundreds of millions of online reviews have been generated on the Internet. The quality of the evaluation directly or indirectly affects consumers' choices. Hubei is located in the middle of China and has a good foundation for agricultural development. . It is a well-known "hometown of fish and rice" and "province of thousands of lakes". It has sufficient tourism resources, and it has a strong promotion role for rural tourism in Hubei Province.

From the perspective of rural tourism, which has been developing rapidly in recent years, and based on the major mainstream tourism websites, this paper obtains the original data and preprocesses them to obtain effective data.Then, the monthly index mean distribution distribution and spatial distribution distribution are drawn based on the statistics of the quantity of comments and the data of scenic spots, and the seasonal characteristics and spatial distribution of rural tourism are analyzed.The social network and semantic network analysis functions in the ROST CM6 software were used to extract the high-frequency words of positive and negative comments on tourism resources, and the clustering analysis was conducted to further explore the semantic relationship in the comment text.Finally, the captured customer comments are analyzed using an emotion dictionary.At the same time, quantitative analysis was added and the score of high-frequency words in each comment was calculated.After adding up the total score, the high-frequency emotion words were analyzed to obtain the high-frequency emotion words of tourists to the rural tourist attractions, and thus the tourists' emotional tendency was obtained. 

The following conclusions are drawn through this study:the regional heat of rural tourism in Hubei divided into three gradients, the peak season is January-February, April-May, August-November. The factors that most affect the satisfaction of rural tourists in Hubei are environment and transportation, followed by human factors and play items. Tourists' satisfaction with Hubei rural tourism is high, and the environment and services are well evaluated. About 20% of tourists have high loyalty, and 4.3% of tourists have a very unpleasant experience. Corresponding analysis is made in terms of temporal and spatial distribution rules, hot spots and tourist satisfaction, aiming to provide a reference for the healthy and coordinated development of rural tourism in Hubei Province.

Key Words:data mining;rural tourism;satisfaction;visualization

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.1.1 研究目的 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 2

1.2.3 文献述评 3

1.3 研究的基本内容和目标 4

1.3.1 研究的基本内容 4

1.3.2 研究目标 4

1.4 研究方法和措施 4

1.4.1 研究方法 4

1.4.2 技术方案及措施 5

第2章 数据处理和时空分布分析 7

2.1 案例概况和研究路线 7

2.1.1 湖北乡村旅游发展状况 7

2.1.2 湖北乡村旅游游客评价现状 7

2.2 数据来源与处理 7

2.2.1 数据的选取 7

2.2.2 数据的采集 8

2.2.3 数据的预处理 9

2.3 游客网络评论的时空分布分析 10

2.3.1 时间分布分析 10

2.3.2 空间分布分析 12

第3章 游客网络评论的特征分析 14

3.1 基于词云的可视化分析 14

3.2 基于网络语义的可视化分析 21

第4章 游客网络评论的情感分析 25

4.1 情感词典的构建 25

4.1.1 基础情感词典 25

4.1.2 网络情感词典 25

4.1.3 辅助情感词典 26

4.2 情感计算的算法设计 27

4.3 情感计算的结果分析 28

第5章 研究结论和展望 31

5.1 研究结论 31

5.2 研究不足与展望 32

参考文献 33

致  谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义

1.1.1 研究目的


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