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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-04-08 00:42:09  

摘 要




本系统选用Java作为编程语言,SQL Server2014作为数据库开发软件,设计和实施从实际需求出发,便于维护,为公司提供业务上的帮助,满足客户的需求。本论文从系统的分析、设计、实施等方面进行阐述,清晰明了。



The development of information technology has not only brought about changes in our daily lives, but also affected the market economy and the company's operational management model.As an industry with great development potential, how to use information technology to improve its work efficiency and service level in the information age and give customers a better experience is a common problem faced by internal companies in the industry.

Nowadays, people's life is very fast, and work is more efficient.In the rapid development of the Internet, people and hope that in accepting express mail service, in addition to less time-consuming, but also hope to be able to timely and accurately query the shipment of the shipment, rather than waiting for the results after the shipment is sent out. .Correspondingly, the courier company also needs to improve its service level to meet the needs of customers. On the one hand, the company should optimize the mailing process, reduce unnecessary time-consuming and improve work efficiency. On the other hand, the company must establish and timely customers. The communication platform can timely report the operation status and customer express information to the user, improve the transparency of the work, and make the customer feel more comfortable when receiving the express service.Both of these can be achieved by establishing a courier logistics management system.

The establishment of the express logistics management system can help the company optimize the work flow, reduce errors and improve efficiency; for the user, the system can help users understand the order and shipping information in a timely manner.While improving the user experience, it will also enhance the company's competitiveness in the industry and bring greater benefits to the company.

This system uses Java as the programming language, SQL Server2014 as the database development software, design and implementation from the actual, easy to maintain, to meet the needs of the company and customers.The design report is clearly explained from the aspects of system analysis, design and implementation.

Key words: logistics and distribution; management; system; Development




摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1系统设计的目的 1

1.2系统设计的意义 1

1.3国内外研究及应用现状综述 2

1.3.1国内现状 2

1.3.2国外现状 2

1.4 设计内容及实施方法 3

1.4.1 系统设计内容 3

1.4.2 技术方法及实施计划 3

第2章 系统分析 5

2.1系统目标 5

2.2 需求分析 5

2.3可行性分析 6

2.3.1经济可行性 6

2.3.2技术可行性 7

2.3.3运营可行性 7

2.4业务流程分析 7

2.5数据流程分析 9

第3章 相关技术简介 13

3.1 B/S架构 13

3.2 JSP技术介绍 13

3.3 SQL SERVER数据库介绍 14

3.3.1数据 14

3.3.2数据库 14

3.3.3数据库管理系统 14

第4章 系统设计 16

4.1开发环境 16

4.2 系统功能结构设计 17

4.3数据库设计 18

4.3.1概要设计 18

4.3.2逻辑设计 20

4.4编码设计 22

4.5输入输出设计 23

4.5.1 管理员登录界面 23

4.5.2 管理员设置 23

4.5.3 物流信息信息管理模块 24

4.5.4 车辆信息管理模块 24

第5章 系统测试 25

5.1 功能测试 25

5.2 可用性测试 26

5.3 性能测试 26

5.4系统测试与分析 27

5.4.1 登录验证 27

5.4.2修改登录密码测试 28

5.4.3用户信息管理测试 29

5.4.4物流信息管理测试 30

5.5测试结果分析 30

第6章 论文总结 31

6.1系统开发体会 31

6.2研究展望 31

6.3总结 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 34

第1章 绪论







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