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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-03-26 22:40:58  

摘 要

本购物系统是在Windows 7以上环境运行,依赖于C#编程技术和SQL Server 2008数据库设计开发的在线购物平台系统,具备一定的安全性和稳定性。






The shopping system in the environment of Windows 7 or more, using C# programming technology and SQL Server 2008 database design and development of online shopping system, the design of the program has certain security and stability.

This system has two functions of administrator and user permissions: administrator permissions which functions including commodity management, commodity classification management, registered user management, order management and management mall bulletin that the user has permissions; function mainly login, product browsing, product search, purchase management, shopping cart, order management and announcement browse.

System construction is a key point which is used to build the framework, generally speaking, many systems tend to use the C/S architecture, from the developer's perspective, it reduces the system in terms of communication overhead, but for users to install the client can use this feature on somewhat inconvenient. The B/S architecture is different from the C/S architecture, a browser based on the way to build, although for more large website, more large server needs to carry on the work of data processing, but the development of the system, use and maintenance work is greatly simplified, on the other hand, from the user perspective, as long as the general browser you can access and use of this point is extremely convenient.

This paper mainly introduces the development process of the system. The detailed record from the previous system development goal and background, system requirements analysis, feasibility analysis, data flow analysis, business process analysis, system design, system detailed design, system implementation, including testing and debugging of the entire development process, also summed up the experience in the development process, and the deficiency of the existing system put forward thinking and put forward the improvement direction in the future.

Key words:

management information system, online shopping, system design, Electronic Commerce

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 在线购物平台开发背景 1

1.2 电子商务国内外现状 2

1.3 在线购物平台开发意义 3

1.4 在线购物平台简介 4

第2章 系统分析 5

2.1 需求分析 5

2.2 可行性分析 6

2.3 业务流程分析 7

2.4 数据流程分析 9

2.5 数据字典 9

2.5.1 数据元素 10

2.5.2 数据流 11

2.5.3 数据存储 12

2.5.4 处理过程 12

2.5.5 外部实体 13

第3章 系统设计 14

3.1 总体结构设计 14

3.1.1 系统功能结构设计 14

3.1.2 系统物理配置方案设计 16

3.2 系统详细设计 17

3.2.1 编码设计 17

3.2.2 数据库设计 17

3.2.3 输入输出及界面设计 23

第4章 系统实施 27

4.1 开发环境与技术方案介绍 27

4.2 系统测试与调试 24

4.2.1 系统测试与调试目标 25

4.2.2 系统测试与调试方案 28

4.2.3 测试与调试计划执行情况 28

第5章 结束语 30

参考文献 31

附录 32

致谢 40

第1章 绪论

1.1 在线购物平台开发背景


  1. 解放资金成本以灵活运用。传统的线下实体商铺,不算日常进货资金中的商品成本金额,光是手续费、运费、定金、押金、违约金这些五花八门的费用,都是一笔不小的数字,而网上商店则几乎不需要占用大量锁定不能轻易动用的资金。从建设时期的开发费用、到后续的推广费用、运转费用,每一时期的每一项费用都与对应的线下装修、宣传、日常经营成本低廉很多,尤其是对一些中小型店铺来说。    

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