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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 信息管理与信息系统 > 正文


 2021-03-12 23:47:31  

摘 要

Abstract II

1 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状综述 2

1.3 本文主要研究内容 3

2 系统规划 4

2.1系统开发目标 4

2.2可行性分析 4

2.3系统开发环境 5

3系统分析 6

3.1需求分析 6

3.2业务流程分析 7

3.3数据流程分析 8

3.4数据字典 9

4系统设计 11

4.1 功能模块设计 11

4.2 编码设计 12

4.3 数据库设计 13

4.4 输入输出设计 24

5系统实施与测试 26

5.1 系统实施 26

5.2 系统测试 33

6总结与展望 35

6.1总结 35

6.2展望 35

致谢 36

参考文献 37




本系统基于B/S架构,采用C#语言和SQL Server数据库进行开发,利用分层处理的思想,实现了用户管理、题库管理、试卷生成、在线考试、自动评卷等多项功能。核心技术在于提供了一种可靠的试卷生成的模式,即自动生成加人工干预,实现了对考试难度的控制。除此之外,系统也支持完整的用户管理和事务管理机制,与日常教育工作相适应,大大提高了系统的可用性。最后,本文简述了系统的实施与测试效果,验证了系统的实际性能,并对研究的成果和不足进行了总结。

关键词: 教育、线上考试、B/S、ASP.NET、数据库


With the continuous progress of the modernization process, the Internet has been closely related with everyone's life, not only to facilitate everyone's life, but also lead the rapid development of all walks of life. Education as an important area for the delivery of advanced talents for the community, but also need advanced technology and ideas to reform and improve it. The rise of computer-aided teaching has been for decades, the exam as an important part of education, reform has been urgent. The traditional pen cost is laborious, inefficient, restricting the development of education level, teachers and students in the examination experience is also poor. With the help of Internet technology, the development of a set of online test system for schools, these issues will be greatly improved.

This paper combines the current domestic education environment, through the domestic and international research status and results of analysis, to determine the general direction of research and user needs. According to the general process of information system development, this paper discusses the research process from system planning, system analysis, system design, implementation and testing. And the project development process involved in the technology and ideas made a special introduction.

The system is based on B / S architecture, using C # language and SQL Server database to develop, using the idea of ​​hierarchical processing, to achieve the user management, question bank management, test paper generation, online examination, automatic marking and many other functions. The core technology is to provide a reliable model of the test paper generated, that is automatically generated by artificial intervention, to achieve the difficulty of the test control. In addition, the system also supports a complete user management and transaction management mechanism, and daily education work to adapt, greatly improving the system availability. Finally, this paper summarizes the implementation and test results of the system, validates the actual performance of the system, and summarizes the achievements and shortcomings of the research.

Keywords: Education, online exam, B / S, ASP.NET, database

1 绪论

1.1 选题背景与意义

作为考核学生对知识的接受程度以及反馈和评估教学质量的重要手段,考试在现代教育中具有不可取代的作用。 学生可通过考试了解自己在一段时间内的学习状态,明白自己的不足以及在学习方法上可能存在的问题,以便在后续的学习过程中进行侧重和调整。而对于学校来说,考试也是学校一段时间内教学工作的绩效考核,发现现有教学安排中存在的问题以及学生的学习状态,便于老师与学生进行沟通并对之后的教学工作做出相应的合理规划。

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