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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 物业管理 > 正文


 2022-02-22 19:52:53  


摘 要



关键词:物业管理 招投标 中锐星湖名邸

The bidding documents of Zhongrui Xinghu Mingdi


With the development of modern city, the construction industry and real estate industry has made a great achievement, the property services industry is closely related to the construction industry and real estate industry has developed rapidly, property management bidding is the product of a certain level of economic development of property management, not only can think developers, provide healthy competition environment Wuguan enterprises, but also can improve the owner autonomy ability, the maximum guarantee the interests of all parties.

In this paper, combined with the actual situation of preparation of Zhongrui Mingdi Xinghu property management project bidding tender book, part written property service standards of service and property services contracts; tender part written for calculating Zhongrui mer plot related services, and standards and property services. The bidding documents according to the sharp starlake Mingdi tailored to the property management service plan according to the project characteristics for the match. At present, the property management of residential district in our country generally adopt the method of bidding, can attract more reasonable pricing, technical ability, management service behavior, integrity, quality of service Excellent Property Management Company actively involved, owners also have the opportunity to enjoy the professional service. At the same time, it also can save the cost of property services to owners, for the bidding project value, improve the quality of property management services, property management services to reduce conflicts dispute process, which paves the way for future owners to set up owners, create a harmonious and comfortable residential environment, residential property management will play a more and more important role in city construction.

Key Words: The property management; The bidding; Zhongrui Xinghu Mingdi


摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract II

第一部分 招标文件

第一章 招标公告 2

第二章 物业服务内容及要求 3

2.1物业管理服务标准 4

2.2物业服务要求 5

2.3物业管理服务标准要求 5

第三章 投标须知 20

3.1投标人资格 20

3.2投标文件的组成 20

3.3 对投标文件制作、送达要求 21

第四章 招标活动方案 23

第五章评标、废标、定标、中标、备案、合同签订 24

5.1评标 24

5.2废标 25

5.3定标 26

5.4备案 26

5.5中标通知 26

5.6物业服务合同签订 27

5.7转包或分包 27

第六章 评标标准和评标办法 28

6.1评标内容及分值 28

6.2评标得分判定标准 30

第七章 其他需要说明事项 33

第二部分 投标文件

第八章 投标函 35

第九章 投标企业基本情况 37

第十章 拟委派人员情况 39

10.1拟委派项目经理情况介绍 39

10.2主要专业技术人员情况介绍 39

第十一章 资格证明文件 41

11.1投标承诺书 41

11.2法定代表人授权委托书 42

11.3 资质证书复印件1份 42

11.4法人营业执照(副本)复印件1份 42

第十二章 投标报价表 43

12.1投标报价 43

12.2年度支出预算 43

12.3年度收入预算及税收预算 49

第十三章 物业管理方案 52

13.1项目的整体设想与构想,管理创新 52

13.1.1项目的整体设想与构想 52

13.1.2管理创新 52

13.2组织架构和人员 54

13.2.1组织架构 54

13.2.2小区物业处人员配置 55

13.3管理内容、管理标准、管理指标、物资装备、工作计划 58

13.3.1 管理内容与标准 58

13.3.2管理指标 71

13.3.4 工作计划 75

13.3.5 物资装备 88

13.4 档案建立和管理 90

13.4.1档案资料的分类与运作流程 90

13.4.2外来档案资料 90

13.4.3 内部档案资料 92

13.4.4 档案资料建立与管理工作10项要求: 95

13.5管理方式、运作程序及管理措施 96

13.5.1 管理方式 96

13.4.2 运作程序 99

13.5.3 管理措施 107

附件 110

结束语 119

参考文献 120

致谢 122




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