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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 公共事业管理 > 正文


 2022-03-18 21:08:32  


摘 要


关键词:居家养老服务 协作性治理 网络化治理

Research on Home Care services from the Perspective of Collaborative Governance


With the coming of the age of aging, the problem of ageing is becoming more and more serious, and the society has begun to pay more and more attention to this problem. As a model to make up for the defects of the family and institutions of the elderly, home care model become increase a new hope to the effective solution to the problem. Effective supply of home care services requires the government, non-profit organizations and social groups, enterprises, families and the elderly and other diverse subjects of the joint collaboration, the formation of an organic whole. Our government has always attached great importance to the issue of urban pension, which has accumulated a wealth of achievements, but from the perspective of collaborative governance research literature is less. In my article, describe home care services for the supply and its operation mode to collaborative governance perspective, interpretation of the collaborative process, and resource dependence and network governance theory based on analysis problems is little, and proposed to increase resources input and attract multi subject participation, the establishment of network governance mechanism, perfect the family endowment service collaboration governance mechanism and optimize the home pension service collaborative governance.

Key words: Home care services; Collaborative governance; Network governance

目 录

中文摘要 I

英文摘要 II

引言 1

一、协作性治理:理论基础与概念框架 2

(一)理论基础 2

1.资源依赖理论 2

2.网络化治理 2

(二)协作性治理:一个整合的框架 3

1.协作性治理的资源 3

2.协作性治理的主体 4

3.协作性治理的结构 4

4.协作性治理的机制 5

二、居家养老服务:供给主体与运作模式 6

(一)居家养老的背景以及基本情况 6

(二)居家养老服务运作模式 7

1.政府主导 7

2.依托非营利组织和社会团体运行 7

3.契约责任关系代替行政权力关系 8

三、居家养老服务协作供给存在的问题 9

(一)服务水平不高 9

(二)体系运行不畅 9

1.形式化严重 9

2.行政化明显 10

(三)服务效率低下 10

(四)供需矛盾尖锐 11

1.服务提供与群众实际需求存在脱节 11

2.政府公共服务重叠严重 11

四、居家养老服务协作困境的原因分析 12

(一)协作资源不足 12

1.客观资源的限制 12

2.资金投入不足 12

3.人力资源不足 12

(二)参与主体定位、职责不明确 13

1.政府职能错位 13

2.社区基本功能不到位 13

3.社会和家庭责任感缺乏 13

(三)协作主体参与不足 14

(四)未形成网络化治理结构 14

(五)有效的协作机制尚未建立 14

五、推进居家养老服务协作治理的建议 16

(一)加大养老资源投入 16

1.政府加大投入 16

2.拓宽民间资源进入渠道 16

(二)吸引多元主体参与协作 17

1.明确政府的主导地位 17

2.社区主办是重要前提 17

3.培育社会力量参与 17

(三)建立居家养老服务协作性治理结构 18

1.设置权威协作监管机构 18

2.发展网络化治理结构 18

(四)完善居家养老服务协作性治理的机制 18

1.完善居家养老服务协作性治理的法律和监督机制 19

2.建立问责制 19

结语 20

参考文献 21

致谢 24


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