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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 法学类 > 法学 > 正文


 2021-12-23 20:39:26  


摘 要



关键词:法官员额制 科层制管理 司法改革 法官职业化

The Realistic Dilemma of the Reform of the Quota System of Legal Officials——From the Perspective of the Inertia of Bureaucratic Management


With the development of society, contradictions and disputes in life continue to increase, people's judicial demands become stronger and the expectations of the judicial are higher, and under this background, the reform of the judicial system came into being. In the process of judicial reform, the issue of legal official quota has become the core content of China's judicial reform. It is also the key to strengthening the judicial responsibility system and guaranteeing the independent judicial power of judges. The professionalization and professionalization of the contingent of judges is conducive to bringing experienced judges to the front line of trials, and providing contingent guarantees for saving judicial resources and maintaining social fairness and justice, which is also the ultimate goal of the system.

However, the legal official quota system has been in existence for a long time since it was proposed, and it is still being improved. Due to the inertia of bureaucratic management, there are certain practical difficulties in the process of promoting and implementing reforms. Therefore, the system urgently needs more in-depth research and analysis .This article analyzes the practical dilemma faced by the reform of the quota system of legal officials and the causes of the dilemma from the perspective of bureaucratic management by combining relevant theoretical knowledge, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures or suggestions for the problems that arise.

Key Words:Bureaucratic management;Legal system;Judicial Reform;Judge professionalism


摘要 I

Abstract II

一、法官员额制及科层制概述 1

(一)法官员额制概述 1

1.法官员额制的概念 1

2.法官员额制的推行意义 1

3.我国法官员额制改革现状分析 2

(二)科层制概述 2

1.科层制的概念 2

2.科层制的特征 3

3.科层制的缺陷 3

二、 法官员额制改革的现实困境 5

(一)法院司法资源紧张 5

1.“案多人少”矛盾日益严峻 5

2.法官流失、离职现象严重 6

(二)审判权运行机制不断被侵蚀 6

1.上下级法院之间的审级关系呈科层化 7

2.法官官僚化严重,法官等级制度科层化 7

3.法院内部审判权运行趋于科层化 8

三、法官员额制实施困境的成因 9

(一)法官的管理制度不完善 9

1.员额法官的选任机制不健全不完善 9

2.法官的职业保障机制不健全 10

(二)员额制的相关配套机制不完善 11

1.司法辅助人员的配套机制不健全 11

2.司法责任追究制设定不合理 12

四、我国法官员额制的完善建议 14

(一) 建立健全法官的管理制度 14

1.完善法官的选任机制 14

2.健全法官的相关配套制度 15

(二) 建立健全员额制的相关配套措施 16

1.完善司法辅助人员的相关配套制度 16

2.完善司法责任追究制 18

(三)逐步实现法院审判权与管理权的分离 18

1.厘清上下级法院的关系 18

2.完善并贯彻落实法官等级制度 19

3.重新构建法院审判权运行机制 19

结语 20

参考文献 21

致谢 24






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